You can run it either on k8s or locally.
go build -a -ldflags '-w -s' -installsuffix cgo -o .
docker build -t local/kubevents:0.0.1 .
Displays events by default only from default
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/rbac.yml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/pod.yml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/svc.yml
If other namespace than default
it should be specify as INITNAMESPACE here.
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/rbac.yml -n <initnamespace>
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/pod.yml -n <initnamespace>
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/svc.yml -n <initnamespace>
If you don't provide -n <initnamespace>
you want have access to provided namespace, error in logs.
# default namespace
$ ./kubevents-parser --run-outside-k-cluster true
Kubevents 2021/07/16 09:44:39 kubevents.go:68: Starting server on port :5000
# any namespace
$ ./kubevents-parser --ns=mynamespace --run-outside-k-cluster true
# web server considers only events which appeared after the script was run
$ curl localhost:5000/api/v1/log | jq
"data": null,
"error": "null",
"namespace": "default",
"status": "running"
# run some app
$ kubectl run hello-app --image=nginxdemos/hello --port=80
# check
$ curl localhost:5000/api/v1/log | jq
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "hello-app.15713668420d4728",
"reason": "ScalingReplicaSet",
"timeup": "00:00:43"
"id": 2,
"name": "hello-app-5c7477d7b7.15713668437e7582",
"reason": "SuccessfulCreate",
"timeup": "00:00:43"
"error": "null",
"namespace": "default",
"status": "running"
$ kubectl delete pod hello-app