Releases: mibi88/dino_nes
v.1.0: Stable release
First stable release, so the game is fully working and should be stable.
I just updated the title screen and fixed a small bug since v.1.0rc4.
Full Changelog: v.1.0rc4...v.1.0
v.1.0rc4: Bug fixes
Bug fixes:
- Fixed nametable loading on NTSC with the help of Zorchenhimer, Gros Chien, RatcheT2498 and Brette on the Nesdev Discord
v.1.0rc3: Better nametable loading
v.1.0rc2: Improvements
I took some of your suggestions to improve it in account.
- Avoid text getting hidden by overscan
Full Changelog: v.1.0rc1...v.1.0rc2
v.1.0b4: Help and credits screens
Bug fixes:
- Improved nametable loading
- Added help and credits screens
Full Changelog: v.1.0b3...v.1.0b4
v.1.0b3: Animations
- I added animations
- The birds are now a little bit slower
Full Changelog: v.1.0b2...v.1.0b3
v.1.0b2: Some improvements
- The birds are now faster than the player
- The collision check is now done on the center of the player, which makes them more accurate
v.1.0b1: Added a day/night cycle and birds!
- The scores are now the same on PAL and NTSC
- The registers are now saved on the stack when the NMI occurs
- I added a day/night cycle
- I added birds
- The objects are now properly hidden
Full Changelog: v.1.0a3...v.1.0b1
v.1.0a3: Important bug fixes and TV system detection
I fixed some very critical bugs (thanks to Gros Chien on the nesdev Discord): the PPU was set into slave mode!
I also fixed some other annoying bugs.
I now check which TV system you have to adapt the speed of the movement, which makes it playable on both PAL and NTSC.
EDIT: I actually forgot to update the title screen.
Full Changelog: v.1.0a2...v.1.0a3