Use a wide 'bar style' touch screen as a game dashboard (like fip-panels) and button box (like streamdeck) for Elite Dangerous :
Technology used:
- .NET 6.0 install : ASP.NET Core Runtime \ x64 and .NET Desktop Runtime \ x64
- WebView2 Runtime
- Blazor server
The touch screen is connected via hdmi as a secondary monitor on the same PC that elite dangerous runs on.
You can also control this from a separate device, in a different way:
You can run this application minimized on the elite dangerous PC and then start a web browser on another device.
That browser connects to the web server, that is built into this application.
This won't work, if the web browser runs on the SAME pc as Elite Dangerous.
The game has to be set to borderless mode, to be able to use the touch screen.
Fullscreen mode won't work, unless you only use an external device via a web browser.
The actual on/off state of a button comes from the game.
When pressing a button on the touch screen, it will send the e.g. 'toggle light' keypress (from the game keyboard binding file) to the game.
You can show multiple windows and hide the button box on the touch screen. appsettings.json contains the 'Windows' value with the number of windows.( The default value is 1) This option has no effect on external devices.
On external devices, there is a button, to show two windows.
Big display 3840x1100 (14 inch, IPS panel, uses usb-c connector):
Medium display 1920x515 (12.6 inch, IPS panel):
Small display 1920x480 (8.8 inch, IPS panel):
Angled mini HDM cable (use the 'UP' version) :
Angled micro USB cable (use the 'UP' version, only for small/medium display) :
(Note, that these kinds of displays come with or without a touch controller and with or without a case)
When connecting these screens, the touch screen needs to be configured via : Control Panel \ Tablet PC settings \ Setup
To get similar button sizes on both displays, the buttons are arranged in a 8x4 grid on the big screen and a 10x3 grid on the small screen.
The button arrangement is customizable. (See the wwwroot\css\site.css file.)
The button images are SVG vector images from Keath Milligan.
Button possibilities:
- Separate SVG button images for each state
- Animated SVG button images
- Multiple button profiles
- Automatic profile switching
- Button press sounds
The touch screen button functionality works, by changing the focus back to elite dangerous, when pressing a button on the touch screen.
This focus change mechanism is ONLY enabled, if the application runs full screen on the touch screen.
Otherwise, touching a button on the touch screen will have NO EFFECT in the game.
The easiest way to set this up, is to first drag the application to the touch screen area, then press the maximize button:
This will cause the application to restart and then the application should be full screen (also covering the task bar) and the window title bar should no longer be visible.
To make the window title bar appear again, press the maximize button again.
Press the Close button, to close the application.
When external data is being imported, at regular intervals, these two icons are hidden and a loading animation appears.
If the application is minimized and a browser, on a SEPARATE device, connects to the built-in web server, then elite dangerous will always stay in focus, when a button is pressed on the other device.
appsettings.json contains the ExternalPort value. The application will listen on all IP addresses on that port number, unless the ExternalPort value is 0. In that case, only the internal touch screen window will be available.
The external URL should be http://MyIpAddress:ExternalPort
The local and external URLs are added to the log file, like :
- Listening on address:
- Listening on address:
The external browser should be running full screen / kiosk mode. Using Edge on Android, you can select the option 'add to phone'. That will add an icon to the Android home screen, which wil start the browser full screen. Using Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS 15.3, the option is called 'add to home screen'.
I have tested on Safari 15.3 on macos 12.2.1 and Safari on iOS 15.3.1. That works ok.
I have tested on Safari on iOS 12.5.5 and that doesn't work correctly.
When system names are underlined, clicking them will put the name on the clipboard. (So that the name can then be pasted in the galaxy map search box.) When using this feature on an external browser, then the system name is put on the clipboard of the elite dangerous PC, not the external device.
The application window settings can be found in appsettings.json. There is also a Minimized value, that will automatically minimize the application at startup, after the initialization has finished.
The 'ED Engineer' menu option is integrated with the material shopping list of the EDEngineer application.
The local api must be active in EDEngineer and listening on port 44405
This is optional, EDEngineer doesn't have to be installed or running.
Any data from HWInfo can be displayed. This also works when Elite Dangerous is not running.
When HWInfo64 is detected, all the available sensors will be written at startup to the data\hwinfo.json file.
The file must be modified, to configure what will be displayed on the screen. The file has the same format as used by various rainmeter skins.
Note that you don't need to install rainmeter or any rainmeter plugin.
A configuration tool, to link sensor ids to variables in the file, can be downloaded from the hwinfo website here :
The UTF-8 checkbox must be enabled for non-unicode programs in the latest unicode-enabled version of HWINFO :
The buttons will only work with keyboard bindings. So, when there is only a binding to a joystick / controller / mouse for a function, then you need to add a keyboard binding first.
The button profiles (i.e. the top row buttons) can be configured in the Data\profiles.json file :
"onfoot": {
"primaryIcon": "profile-onfoot.svg",
"secondaryIcon": "profile-onfoot.svg",
"clickSound": "beep-3.wav"
The name of each section refers to the name of the related button set .json file in the Data\ButtonBlocks directory.
An automatic profile switching mechanism will be used, in case button sets exist with these file names:
- galaxymap.json
- systemmap.json
- orrery.json
- fssmode.json
- saamode.json
- infighter.json
- srvturret.json
- insrv.json
- onfoot.json
- analysismode.json
- cargoscoop.json
- hardpoints.json
If none of the above profiles are activated, then a profile with the file name default.json will be activated.
Each button set is configured via a .json file in the Data\ButtonBlocks directory.
Button sounds can be found in the Sounds directory.
All the button SVG images can be found in the wwwroot\img\buttons directory.
The button captions are inside the .svg files.
Animated SVG files are possible.
Various button type can be configured, each with their own set of parameters :
"buttonType": "ToggleButton",
"function": "FocusLeftPanel",
"primaryIcon": "nav-panel.svg",
"secondaryIcon": "nav-panel.svg",
"clickSound": "beep-3.wav"
Function | Description |
PlayerHUDModeToggle | Analysis Mode |
ToggleCargoScoop | Cargo Scoop |
ToggleFlightAssist | Flight Assist |
GalaxyMap | Galaxy Map |
DeployHardpointToggle | Hardpoints |
LandingGearToggle | Landing Gear |
ShipSpotLightToggle | Light |
NightVisionToggle | Night Vision |
ToggleButtonUpInput | Silent Running |
ToggleDriveAssist | Srv DriveAssist |
AutoBreakBuggyButton | Srv Handbrake |
ToggleBuggyTurretButton | Srv Turret |
Supercruise | Supercruise |
SystemMap | System Map |
FocusCommsPanel | Comms Panel |
FocusLeftPanel | Nav Panel |
FocusRadarPanel | Role Panel |
FocusRightPanel | Systems Panel |
For Odyssey, when On Foot, the Galaxy Map,System Map,Lights & Night Vision buttons will call the on-foot key bindings, but there is no state feedback. So the button state won't change.
"buttonType": "AlarmButton",
"function": "SelectHighestThreat",
"primaryIcon": "target-highest.svg",
"secondaryIcon": "target-highest.svg",
"clickSound": "beep-3.wav"
Function | Description | Note |
SelectHighestThreat | Highest Threat | alarm = under attack status |
DeployHeatsink | Heat sink | alarm = under attack status |
DeployChaff | Chaff | alarm = overheating status |
DeployShieldCell | Shield Cell Bank | alarm = shields down status. In that case DON'T fire a shield cell bank. |
"buttonType": "HyperspaceButton",
"function": "HyperSuperCombination",
"primaryIcon": "hyperspace.svg",
"secondaryIcon": "hyperspace.svg",
"tertiaryIcon": "hyperspace.svg",
"clickSound": "",
"errorSound": ""
Function | Description | Note |
HyperSuperCombination | Toggle FSD | also shows remaining jumps in route |
Supercruise | Supercruise | |
Hyperspace | Hyperspace Jump | also shows remaining jumps in route |
"buttonType": "PowerButton",
"function": "SYS",
"primaryIcon": "shield-power.svg",
"secondaryIcon": "shield-power.svg",
"tertiaryIcon": "shield-power.svg",
"clickSound": "beep-3.wav"
Function | Description | Note |
SYS | System | shows alarm state when under attack and not 4 pips |
ENG | Engines | |
WEP | Weapons | |
RST | Reset |
"buttonType": "LimpetButton",
"firegroup": "E",
"fire": "Secondary",
"primaryIcon": "limpet-collector.svg",
"secondaryIcon": "limpet-collector.svg",
"clickSound": "",
"errorSound": ""
The limpet controller button works with any type of limpet controller.
The button shows the current number of limpets in the cargo hold. (The same value is shown on all buttons).
There is no specific keybind for any type of limpet controller. Instead, you need to set up a fire group letter and primary or secondary fire button.
"buttonType": "FireGroupButton",
"firegroup": "E",
"primaryIcon": "firegroup.svg",
"secondaryIcon": "firegroup.svg",
"tertiaryIcon": "firegroup.svg",
"clickSound": "",
"errorSound": ""
"buttonType": "FSSButton",
"primaryIcon": "fss.svg",
"secondaryIcon": "fss.svg",
"tertiaryIcon": "fss.svg",
"clickSound": "",
"errorSound": "",
"dontSwitchToCombatMode": false
"buttonType": "StaticButton",
"function": "SelectTarget",
"primaryIcon": "xxx.svg",
"clickSound": ""
Function | Combat |
ChargeECM | ECM |
CycleFireGroupNext | Next Fire Group |
CycleFireGroupPrevious | Prev Fire Group |
CycleNextHostileTarget | Next Hostile |
CyclePreviousHostileTarget | Prev Hostile |
CycleNextSubsystem | Next Subsystem |
CyclePreviousSubsystem | Prev Subsystem |
CycleNextTarget | Next Contact |
CyclePreviousTarget | Prev Contact |
SelectTarget | Target Ahead |
Function | Fighter |
OpenOrders | Crew Orders |
OrderAggressiveBehaviour | Be Aggressive |
OrderDefensiveBehaviour | Be Defensive |
OrderFocusTarget | Attack My Target |
OrderFollow | Follow |
OrderHoldFire | Hold Fire |
OrderHoldPosition | Hold Position |
OrderRequestDock | Dock SLF |
Function | Misc |
FriendsMenu | Friends |
GalnetAudio_ClearQueue | Clear Audio Queue |
GalnetAudio_Play_Pause | Play/Pause Audio |
GalnetAudio_SkipBackward | Prev Audio Track |
GalnetAudio_SkipForward | Next Audio Track |
MicrophoneMute | Microphone |
OpenCodexGoToDiscovery | Codex |
Pause | Main Menu |
HMDReset | Reset HMD |
OculusReset | Reset Oculus |
RadarDecreaseRange | Dec Sensor Range |
RadarIncreaseRange | Inc Sensor Range |
Function | Navigation |
SetSpeed100 | 100% Throttle |
SetSpeed75 | 75% Throttle |
SetSpeed50 | 50% Throttle |
SetSpeed25 | 25% Throttle |
SetSpeedMinus100 | 100% Reverse |
SetSpeedMinus75 | 75% Reverse |
SetSpeedMinus50 | 50% Reverse |
SetSpeedMinus25 | 25% Reverse |
SetSpeedZero | All Stop |
TargetNextRouteSystem | Next Jump Dest |
ToggleReverseThrottleInput | Reverse |
UseAlternateFlightValuesToggle | Alternate Controls |
UseBoostJuice | Boost |
DisableRotationCorrectToggle | Rotational Correction |
Function | Ship |
QuickCommsPanel | Quick Comms |
EjectAllCargo | Eject All Cargo |
HeadLookToggle | Toggle Headlook |
MouseReset | Reset Mouse |
OrbitLinesToggle | Orbit Lines |
SelectTargetsTarget | Wingman's target |
WingNavLock | Wingman Navlock |
TargetWingman0 | Wingman 1 |
TargetWingman1 | Wingman 2 |
TargetWingman2 | Wingman 3 |
EngineColourToggle | Engine Colour |
WeaponColourToggle | Weapon Colour |
Function | SRV |
RecallDismissShip | Recall/Dismiss Ship |
BuggyToggleReverseThrottleInput | Reverse |
DecreaseSpeedButtonMax | Zero Speed |
IncreaseSpeedButtonMax | Maximum Speed |
SelectTarget_Buggy | Target Ahead |
Function | On Foot |
HumanoidPrimaryInteractButton | Primary Interact |
HumanoidSecondaryInteractButton | Secondary Interact |
HumanoidSelectPrimaryWeaponButton | Select Primary Weapon |
HumanoidSelectSecondaryWeaponButton | Select Secondary Weapon |
HumanoidHideWeaponButton | Holster Weapon |
HumanoidSwitchWeapon | Switch Weapon |
HumanoidSelectUtilityWeaponButton | Select Tool |
HumanoidSelectNextWeaponButton | Next Weapon |
HumanoidSelectPreviousWeaponButton | Previous Weapon |
HumanoidReloadButton | Reload |
HumanoidSelectNextGrenadeTypeButton | Next Grenade Type |
HumanoidSelectPreviousGrenadeTypeButton | Previous Grenade Type |
HumanoidThrowGrenadeButton | Throw Grenade |
HumanoidMeleeButton | Melee |
HumanoidSwitchToRechargeTool | Energy Link |
HumanoidSwitchToCompAnalyser | Profile Analyser |
HumanoidToggleToolModeButton | Tool Mode |
HumanoidSwitchToSuitTool | Suit Specific Tool |
QuickCommsPanel_Humanoid | Quick Comms |
HumanoidConflictContextualUIButton | Conflict Zone Battle Stats |
HumanoidToggleShieldsButton | Shields |
HumanoidToggleMissionHelpPanelButton | Help |
HumanoidClearAuthorityLevel | Clear Stolen Profile |
HumanoidHealthPack | Use Medkit |
HumanoidBattery | Use Energy Cells |
HumanoidSelectFragGrenade | Select Frag Grenade |
HumanoidSelectEMPGrenade | Select EMP Grenade |
HumanoidSelectShieldGrenade | Select Shield Grenade |
Thanks to : for the button icons
DaftMav for POI list see here and for station, system and body data for pricing data for the galaxy image CMDR Qohen Leth and CMDR Nuse for the ship images