Simple model-fitting tools.
Questions? Contact Sam Gershman (
Quick start. Examples below use snippets from mfit_demo_RL.m:
- Define your prior by constructing a parameter structure. Here is an example from a reinforcement learning model:
g = [2 1]; % parameters of the gamma prior
param(1).name = 'inverse temperature';
param(1).logpdf = @(x) sum(log(gampdf(x,g(1),g(2)))); % log density function for prior
param(1).lb = 0; % lower bound
param(1).ub = 50; % upper bound
a = 1.2; b = 1.2; % parameters of beta prior
param(2).name = 'learning rate';
param(2).logpdf = @(x) sum(log(betapdf(x,a,b)));
param(2).lb = 0;
param(2).ub = 1;
Here logpdf
takes as input a parameter (or multiple parameters, in the case of multiple subjects) and evaluates the log joint density. The fields lb
and ub
correspond to the lower and upper parameter bounds, respectively.
- Call the optimizer, which finds the maximum a posteriori estimates of the parameters for each subject:
results = mfit_optimize(@fun,param,data,nstarts)
Here @fun
is a function handle for your log-likelihood function, which takes the following form:
lik = fun(x,data,options)
where x
is a vector of parameter values, data
is a single subject's data structure. It must have a field called N
(i.e., data.N
) that specifies the number of observations for the subject. options
is an additional input structure that may be omitted.
See mfit_demo_RL.m for examples of Bayesian model comparison and cross-validation.