AppBase is a starting point for ASP.NET MVC3 Projects leveraging HTML5 Boilerplate and Open Authentication with OpenId and OAuth. You can authenticate with Twitter and Facebook using OAuth. The goal of AppBase is to provide a slim-down MVC 3 site with OpenId/OAuth Authentication for you to build
You can download the VS Project Template here
- Uses DotNetOpenAuth OAuth 2 CTP for Facebook support
- Custom OpenId/Oauth page with icons from WebDesigner Depot
- Latest html5 boilerplate code with jQuery 1.5.1 support / IE9 update
- web.config enhancements from @jacob4u2 in his MotherEffin Html5 site
Getting Started
git clone
- Get yourself a twitter/facebook api key and add it to the web.config
- Enjoy
- Mar. 21, 2011: Now with Twitter and Facebook sign in support, jQuery 1.5.1 and the latest Boilerplate code.
- Feb 17, 2011: Upgraded to latest MVC 3 Release and Html5 Boilerplate master branch. Fixed compilation issues with latest MVC 3 release. Updated template .zip.
- Nov. 15, 2010: Updated to use MVC 3 RC and Html5 Boilerplate v.0.9.5. Also integrates certain parts of web.config file from Boilerplate.