Simple stream-based kafka listener based on node-rdkafka. Calculates metrics on lag and group consumption rate.
Exposes a single funtion that returns an object used for streaming messages and consuming
const kafka = require("exp-kafka-listener");
const listener = listen(options, groupId, topics);
const readStream = listener.readStream;
See examples below for more info.
- host: Comma-separated list of kafka hosts.
- username: If set, SASL/PLAIN authentication will be used when connecting.
- password: Password for SASL authentication.
- autoCommit: Automatically commit messeges every 5 seconds, default false.
- fetchSize: Kafka fetch size, default 500.
- fromOffset: Kafka start offset, default "latest".
The object returned from "listen" is an event emitter that emits the following events:
- 'ready': Emitted once the listener has successfully connected to the kafka cluster.
- 'stats': Emitted on a regular interval, supplies an object with the following props
- lag: Total lag for consumer group
- messageRate: Message consumption rate for consumer group (will be negative if producers are faster than consumers)
- error: If an error occured when stats were calculated
- time: Timestanp when stats were generated
Manual commits and streams
Use this if you want to be sure that all messages are processed before being committed. Any in-flight messages will be re-sent in case of a process crash/restart. Back-pressure is handled by node js streams so the fetch rate is adjusted to the consumtion rate.
const kafka = require("exp-kafka-listener");
const through = require("through2");
const {pipeline} = require("stream");
const kafkaOptions = {
host: "mykafkahost-1:9200,mykafkahost-2:9200",
autoCommit: false
const listener = kafka.listen("my-group-id", ["my-topic"]);
const msgHandler = through.obj((msg, _encoding, done) => {
const payload = msg.value;
someAsyncOperation(payload, (err)) => {
const commitHandler = through.obj((msg, _encoding, done) => {
pipeline(listener.readStream, msgHandler, commitHandler, (err) {
throw err || "Stream ended"; // Stream should never end.
Autocommit and streams
Use this if you don't care about losing a few in-flight messages during restarts. Messages will be automatically committed every five seconds. Back-pressure is handled by node js streams so the fetch rate is adjusted to the consumtion rate. Therefore the number of in-flight messages is usually low.
const kafka = require("exp-kafka-listener");
const through = require("through2");
const {pipeline} = require("stream");
const kafkaOptions = {
host: "mykafkahost-1:9200,mykafkahost-2:9200",
autoCommit: true
const listener = kafka.listen("my-group-id", ["my-topic"]);
const msgHandler = through.obj((msg, _encoding, done) => {
const payload = msg.value;
someAsyncOperation(payload, (err)) => {
pipeline(listener.readStream, msgHandler, (err) {
throw err || "Stream ended"; // Stream should never end.
The simplest and fastest of consuming messages. However ackpressure is not dealt with so if consumtion is slow many messages left hanging in-flight and likely not redelivered in case of crashes/restarts.
const kafka = require("exp-kafka-listener");
const kafkaOptions = {
host: "mykafkahost-1:9200,mykafkahost-2:9200",
autoCommit: true
const listener = kafka.listen("my-group-id", ["my-topic"]);
listener.readStream.on("data", (msg) => {
// .. go to town
Node js streams: node-rdkafka