This is a cross platform (iOS & Android) mobile app for streaming twitch live streams. Developed using React Native for user interface, and Golang server that communicates with twitch REST API and Mysql database.
Built with
This app requires you to install Golang and get familiar with Go Workspaces and GOPATH environmental variable. Then download Docker to spin-up Golang and Mysql containers.
Clone the project repository and place it under $GOPATH/src
mkdir -p src
git clone ./src
cd gawkbox_assignment/
Modify the MYSQL_IP
parameter in config/config.json file to match the Mysql
container's IP address.
Build a docker image for the Golang web-server, and spin up a docker container
that serves at port 8080
docker build -t web_server_image .
docker run --publish 8080:8080 --name web_server --rm web_server_image
Pull a MySQL Docker image using the below command:
docker pull mysql/mysql-server:latest
Using the mysql image created, run the below command to deploy the mysql container,
docker run --name=mysqldb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=asdqwe -e MYSQL_USER=gawkbox \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=asdqwe123 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=gawkbox \
--mount type=bind,src=$GOPATH/src/scripts/,dst=/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ \
-d mysql/mysql-server:latest
You can find more information on running mysql docker containers here
Make sure the MYSQL credentials in the above command and in the config/config.json
are same.
This image exposes the standard MySQL port (3306), so container linking makes the MySQL instance available to Go application container. Start your application container like this in order to link it to the MySQL container:
docker run --name server_db_link --link mysqldb:mysql -d web_server_image
Assuming you have setup your iOS and Android simulator, and installed npm.
Install react-native client,
npm install react-native-cli
Install dependency react-navigation,
npm install react-navigation
Initialize a react-native app,
react-native init live_streams
Copy the contents of $GOPATH/src/react-native
into live_streams,
cp $GOPATH/src/react-native/* live_streams/
cd live_streams
Run the following command depending on platform in the live_streams
react-native run-ios
react-native run-android
Fire the app in simulator from another terminal under the same react-native app directory,
react-native start
While running the app in iOS simulator, you might encounter the below error message saying,
Error Loading Page
Domain: NSURLErrorDomain
Error Code: -1022
Description: The resource could not be loaded because
the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a
secure connection
In that case, follow the instructions in this link.
- Integrate Twitch chat room for user collaboration
- Unit tests
- Integrate OAuth
- Encrypt password while storing it in database
- Handle memory leak error