The Bus Booking System is a simple backend application built using Kotlin, Spring Boot, and H2 in-memory database. It allows users to authenticate, search for buses, and book seats. The system also provides an administrative interface for managing bus details.
- User Authentication: Users can log in with a phone number and password to receive a JWT token.
- Bus Management: Administrators can add, update, and view bus details.
- Bus Search: Users can search for buses based on the source and destination.
- Bus Booking: Users can book available seats on buses.
- Kotlin: Programming language used for developing the backend.
- Spring Boot: Framework for building the RESTful API and managing business logic.
- H2 Database: In-memory database used for storing user, bus, and booking information.
- JWT (JSON Web Token): Used for securing API endpoints.
- Client (Postman/Thunder Client) interacts with the Spring Boot Application through REST APIs.
- The application consists of Controllers, Services, Repositories, and a Security Component (JWT).
- All data is stored in an H2 In-Memory Database.
The flow starts with the User interacting with the Auth Controller for authentication, which forwards requests to the Auth Service and then to the JWT Util for token generation.
The Bus Controller and Booking Controller handle bus-related and booking-related operations, respectively, communicating with their respective services and repositories.
Authentication Flow:
- Start: Client → AuthenticationService → JwtService → Return JWT to Client.
Bus Management Flow (CRUD):
- Start: Client → BusService → BusRepository → Update DB → Return Response.
Bus Search Flow:
- Start: Client → BusService → BusRepository → Fetch Data → Return Buses.
Booking Flow:
- Start: Client → BookingService → BookingRepository → Check Availability → Confirm/Reject Booking → Update DB.
├── src/main/kotlin/com/hm/bookingsystem/
│ ├── BookingSystemApplication.kt
│ ├── GlobalExceptionHandler.kt
│ ├── ServletInitializer.kt
│ ├── controller/
│ │ ├── AuthenticationController.kt
│ │ ├── BusController.kt
│ │ └── BookingController.kt
│ ├── model/
│ │ ├── Authentication.kt
│ │ ├── Customer.kt
│ │ ├── ErrorResponse.kt
│ │ ├── Booking.kt
│ │ ├── Bus.kt
│ │ └── request/
│ │ ├── AuthRequest.kt
│ │ └── BookingRequest.kt
│ ├── repository/
│ │ ├── CustomerRepository.kt
│ │ ├── BusRepository.kt
│ │ └── BookingRepository.kt
│ ├── extensions/
│ │ └── Extensions.kt
│ ├── service/
│ │ ├── AuthenticationService.kt
│ │ ├── BusService.kt
│ │ ├── JwtService.kt
│ │ └── BookingService.kt
│ └── config/
│ ├── ApplicationConfiguration.kt
│ ├── JwtAuthenticationFilter.kt
│ ├── DemoDataRunner.kt
│ └── SecurityConfiguration.kt
├── src/main/resources/
│ ├──
└── build.gradle.kts
- POST /booking-system/authenticate
- Request Body:
{ "username": "string", "password": "string" }
- Response:
{ "token": "jwt-token", "status": "success/failure", "expiry": 3600000 }
- Request Body:
GET /booking-system/bus
- Retrieves all buses.
POST /booking-system/bus
- Adds a new bus.
- Request Body:
{ "bus_number": "string", "bus_name": "string", "travel_company": "string", "capacity": "number", "available_seats": "number", "source": "string", "destination": "string" }
PUT /booking-system/bus
- Updates bus details.
- Request Body: Same as POST.
- GET /booking-system/search
- Searches for buses between a source and destination.
- Query Parameters:
: Source location.destination
: Destination location.
- POST /booking-system/book
- Books seats on a bus.
- Request Body:
{ "bus_number": "string", "booking_date": "string", "source": "string", "destination": "string", "total_seats": "number" }
- JWT (JSON Web Token) is used to secure the API endpoints. Only authenticated users can access certain endpoints.
- The token is required for all bus search and booking operations.
The system uses an H2 in-memory database to store information about:
- Customers: User details (ID, phone number, first name, last name, password).
- Buses: Details of the buses (bus number, name, travel company, capacity, available seats, source, destination).
- Bookings: Records of all bookings made by users (booking number, bus number, booking date, source, destination, total seats, booking status).
- Java 17 installed
- IntelliJ IDEA installed
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd bus-booking-system
- Build the project using Gradle:
./gradlew clean ./gradlew build
- Run the Spring Boot application:
./gradlew bootRun
- The application will start on http://localhost:8080.
- The application database can be viewed on http://localhost:8080/h2-console/
You can use Postman or Thunder Client to send HTTP requests to the API endpoints.