These projects are for my master's course, which are as follows:
Carrier Smoothing of Code Pseudoranges, which has various methods such as: Normal Hatch algorithm, Divergence Effect Free Hatch algorithm And the Ionosphere Free Hatch algorithm is done.
Carrier Phase Cycle-Slip Detection which in ways like Geometry-free combination And Blewitt is done.
Computation of GNSS Satellite Coordinates Since satellites have their specefic coordinate system(CRS) and users are intersted in using fix coordiante(TRS) that is why demanding algorithm to trnsport from ECI to ECEF in geodesy.
Computation of the Emission Time and Computation of Satellite Coordinates the two Computation of the Emission Time and Computation of Satellite Coordinates are done.
Atmospheric Effects Modelling Fermat’s principle, also known as the principle of least time, is the link between ray optics and wave optics and ...
Bancroft Method If we want to be able obtain primitve receiver’s position without priori knowledge, one of the solutions is Bancroft method.
Computation of station coordinate hi