To use a combination of components, languages and frameworks to harness RF signals in order to potentiate home or business automation. The project uses both hardware:
- Controllable RF Outlets with on/off state
- Raspberry pi (Acting a both a server and a controller to the RF Outlets)
- RF Transmitter / Receiver
and software:
- VueJS / ReactJS User Frontend
- Firebase back end stores the state of a users home
- Nodejs server listening on the Pi to handle interaction with the RF outlets (Express / happi)
- C++ libraries to handle GPIO transactions with the PI
- Python as an interface to above C++ libraries
- default receive GPIO: 27
- default transmit GPIO: 17
Compile the codesend c++ source and run:
./codesend code# -l pulseLength -p pin(use 0 for default)
ex: ./codesend 4545804 -l 185 -p 0
turns 4 off.
Codes were found using an RF receiver via a controller listening for RF signals.
Outlet | on code | off code |
1 | 4543795 | 4543804 |
2 | 4543939 | 4543948 |
3 | 4544259 | 4544268 |
4 | 4545795 | 4545804 |
5 | 4551939 | 4551948 |
*All codes run on a pulse of ~184.