Source code for, AutoRec, an autoencoder based model for collaborative filtering. This package also includes implementation of RBM based collaborative filtering model(RBM-CF).
- cython
- progressbar
- envoy
- climin
Models are defined in yaml configuration file. Configuration file consists of three sections
- data:
In this section, we define data sources and model save path
- train : path of the training file
- test : path of the test file
- save : path for saving the model
- param:
In this section, we define network training parameters
- lamda: list of regularization paramter per each layer
- max_iter: maximum number of iteration
- batch_size: size of the batch
- optimizer: Choice of the optimizer (lbfgs, rprop, rmsprop)
- reg_bias: whether to regularize bias or not
- beta: sparsity control parameter
- num_threads: maximum number of threads to be used while doing some of the matrix operations (set it to number of CPU cores)
- layer:
In this section, we define the network architecture. Layers are defined by layer index(starting from 1).
Note that, layer index should be defined in ascending order (For eg: 1, 2, 3).
Each layer is defined as
- Layer index:
- activation: Type of activation function (identity, sigmoid, relu, nrelu, tanh)
- num_nodes: number of nodes in the given layer
- type: layer type (input, hidden, output)
- partial: whether the data in the given layer is partially observed or not (applicable only to input/output nodes)
- binary : whether to enforce binary coding in the layer or not
- Layer index:
First, you will need to build the cython modules. Build cython modules by running
- bash
Running Autorec model
- cd nn/autorec
Running RBMCF model
- cd nn/cfrbm
This program expects input in tab separated format.
For U-AutoRec:
- <user>\t<item>\t<rating>
For I-AutoRec
- <item>\t<user>\t<rating>
If you have any queries, please contact me at