Create class diagram for your class store.
Choose a format between mermaid and graphiz dot
$txtSource:=$diagram.source is a free service to convert diagrams to images. (It can be self hosted)
Copy paste the diagram source into this online service
- mermaid:
- graphviz:
You could also make your own converter like this example using js libraries.
Alternatively you can install cli tools to convert diagrams.
WebGraph database contains some shape classes.
The result of code
class Square {
class Rectangle {
class Spline {
class Ellipse {
class EntitySelection {
class Shape {
class Polygon {
class Circle {
class Entity {
class DataClass {
class _DataStore {
Rectangle <|-- Square
Shape <|-- Rectangle
Shape <|-- Spline
Shape <|-- Ellipse
Object <|-- EntitySelection
Object <|-- Shape
Shape <|-- Polygon
Shape <|-- Circle
Object <|-- Entity
Object <|-- DataClass
Object <|-- _DataStore
You can find macro file here
will generate diagrams each time you create or save a class
into Documentation/
and Documentation/classDiagram.mermaid
Then each time you close a class or type in code run kroki
, the svg will be saved into Documentation/classDiagram.svg
classDiagram.svg) example
Then you can display it in your documentation:
A .csDiagram.json file will be create into your root database folder. You can put
"kroki": false
if you do not want svg convertion.
You could ignore some class by defining a list of ignored class name
$csDiagram.ignore:=New collection("Object";"MyPrivateClass")
In configuration file .csDiagram.json
you could also define the list of ignored class name.
.csDiagram.json example
On macOS open a terminal in your database root folder.
Download the latest release and put it into the Components/
You could do it using this command in terminal.
mkdir -p Components && curl -L --output Components/ClassStoreDiagram.4dz
git submodule add Components/ClassStoreDiagram.4dbase
git submodule add Components/ClassStoreDiagram
Open the project, for instance in macOS
open Components/ClassStoreDiagram/Project/ClassStoreDiagram.4DProject
Buil it to your database folder. A Components/ClassStoreDiagram.4dbase
will be created with inside the ClassStoreDiagram.4dz