Chrome dinossaur pogrammatic player
This algorithm has been created initialy for windows, for python 2 Then got some updates to run on linux on python 3 (work on both).
The chrome browser has to be with black theme on Default profile.
Some adjustments still needed, the initial libs are: To control the mouse, keys and find imagens on screen, pyautogui (
- pip install pyautogui An optimized screen shot for python, mss (
- pip install mss
Would be an good idea get screenshots with mss, because pyautogui asks to install an package names "scrot" who is outdated and has broken dependency.
Disclaimer: I modified "pyscreeze" to run with "scrot" removing the parameter "z" on command. The fodter on linux for user install is: ~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyscreeze (python version folder depends on system instalation)