Hi there👋
A software developer, proficient in Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. As a dedicated medical laboratory scientist, I aspire to create solutions that bridge the gap between medicine and technology, with the goal of enhancing health care delivery and improving lives.
😄 Pronouns: She/Her
🔭 Computer science degree @ Kibo School.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects.
- Developed a farming website using html, css, and javascript that helps connect farmers and consumers.
- Developed a quiz app with flask.
- Worked with a team that developed a website with WIX called FEM-ERGY that was 1 of the 7 winners of a Major League Hackathon.
- Developed a recipe web application with flask.
- Developed a movie gallery with html, css, and javascript.
- Python | HTML/CSS | Javascript | Django | Flask | Bootstrap | C
- I love sports and i dance all the time even though i dont know how.
- 🔗Github
- ✉️ You can drop an email for me at mercyadeige@gmail.com with subject "GitHub: ..."!.
💬 I look forward to learning new things👩🏫,developing my skills🧠, working with others🤝 and creating beautiful things for the world🌍!