This is an example Laravel 5.8 task list app that uses a MemCachier cache. It is configured for deployment on DigitalOcean using DigitalOcean's one-click LEMP stack.
Detailed instructions for developing this app are available here.
Run the following commands to get started running this app locally:
$ git clone
$ cd examples-laravel-lemp-do
$ composer install
$ touch database/database.sqlite
$ php artisan migrate --force
$ echo "APP_KEY=`php artisan key:generate --show`" > .env
$ memcached & # run a local memcached server instance
$ php artisan serve
Then visit http://localhost:8000
to play with the app.
Note: instead of running a local memcached
server you can also create a
MemCachier cache and add the MEMCACHIER_*
environment variables to .env