This is an example Express.js 4 app that uses the MemCachier add-on on Heroku. A running version of this app can be found here.
Detailed instructions for developing this app are available here.
You can deploy this app yourself to Heroku to play with.
Run the following commands to get started running this app locally:
$ git clone
$ cd examples-expressjs
$ npm install
$ memcached & # run a local memcached server instance
$ node app.js
Then visit http://localhost:3000
to play with the app.
Note: instead of running a local memcached
server you can also create a
MemCachier cache and add the MEMCACHIER_*
variables to the environment (e.g., via
Run the following commands to deploy the app to Heroku:
$ git clone
$ cd examples-expressjs
$ heroku create
Creating app... done, ⬢ rocky-chamber-17110 |
$ heroku addons:create memcachier:dev
$ heroku config:add NODE_ENV=production
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open
Install memjs
and configure it in Express.js as follows to use it with
var memjs = require('memjs')
var mc = memjs.Client.create(process.env.MEMCACHIER_SERVERS, {
failover: true, // default: false
timeout: 1, // default: 0.5 (seconds)
keepAlive: true // default: false
We are happy to receive bug reports, fixes, documentation enhancements, and other improvements.
Please report bugs via the github issue tracker.
Master git repository:
git clone git://
This example is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.