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DSL for AltaCV Resume

This project aims to provide a simple and flexible way to generate resumes in the AltaCV LaTeX format using a typesafe Kotlin DSL.

AltaCV Resume Structure

Sample Resume

Usage example

Sample files used in this example are located in the samples directory.

  1. Generate a resume in Kotlin project:

    Create a Kotlin file (e.g., Main.kt) and use the provided DSL to define your resume:

    import com.melkassib.altacv.generator.dsl.domain.section.event.EventPeriodDate.Companion.eventDurationDate
    import com.melkassib.altacv.generator.dsl.domain.section.event.EventPeriodString.Companion.eventDurationStr
    import com.melkassib.altacv.generator.dsl.domain.userInfo.*
    import com.melkassib.altacv.generator.dsl.domain.section.*
    import com.melkassib.altacv.generator.dsl.domain.*
    import com.melkassib.altacv.generator.dsl.utils.*
    fun main() {
        val resume =
            altacv {
                config {
                    photoShape = PhotoShape.NORMAL
                    theme = PredefinedColorPalette.THEME3
                header {
                    tagline = " Your Position or Tagline Here"
                    photo = Photo(2.8, "Globe_High.png")
                    userInfo = UserInfo("Your Name Here", setOf(
                        MailAddressField("Address, Street, 00000 Country"),
                        LocationField("Location, COUNTRY"),
                        UserInfoField("gitlab", "\\faGitlab", "", "your_id")
                sections {
                    section("Experience", firstColumn(1), Divider) {
                        contents {
                            event("Job Title 1") {
                                holder = "Company 1"
                                location = "Location"
                                duration = eventDurationStr("Month XXXX", "Ongoing")
                                description = listOf(
                                    Item("Job description 1"),
                                    Item("Job description 2"),
                                    Item("Job description 3", false)
                            event("Job Title 2") {
                                holder = "Company 2"
                                location = "Location"
                                duration = eventDurationDate("2023-10", "2023-10")
                                description = listOf(Item("Item1"))
                            event("Job Title 3") {
                                holder = "Company 3"
                                location = "Location"
                    section("Most Proud of", firstColumn(2), ignored = false) {
                        contents {
                            achievement("faTrophy", "Fantastic Achievement", "and some details about it")
                            achievement("faHeartbeat", "Another achievement", "more details about it of course")
                            achievement("faHeartbeat", "Another achievement", "more details about it of course")
                    section("My Life Philosophy", firstColumn(1)) {
                        contents {
                            quote("Something smart or heartfelt, preferably in one sentence.")
                    section("Strengths", firstColumn(3)) {
                        contents {
                            tag("Eye for detail")
                            tag("Motivator & Leader")
                            tag("Embedded Systems")
                            tag("Statistical Analysis")
                    section("Languages", firstColumn(4)) {
                        contents {
                            skill("Arabic", "Native/Bilingual")
                            skill("English", "Professional working proficiency")
                            skill("Spanish", "Limited working proficiency")
                            skill("German", 2.0)
                    section("Projects", firstColumn(2), separator = Divider) {
                        contents {
                            event("Project 1") {
                                holder = "Funding agency/institution"
                                description = listOf(Item("Details"))
                            event("Project 1") {
                                holder = "Funding agency/institution"
                                duration = eventDurationStr("Project duration")
                                description = listOf(Item(" A short abstract would also work.", withBullet = false))
                    section("A day of my life", firstColumn(3)) {
                        contents {
                            wheelchart(1.5, 0.5) {
                                item(6, 8, "accent!30", "Sleep,\\\\beautiful sleep")
                                item(3, 8, "accent!40", "Hopeful novelist by night")
                                item(8, 8, "accent!60", "Daytime job")
                                item(2, 10, "accent", "Sports and relaxation")
                                item(5, 8, "accent!20", "Spending time with family")
                    section("Education", firstColumn(4), separator = Divider) {
                        contents {
                            event("Ph.D. in Your Discipline") {
                                holder = "Your University"
                                duration =  eventDurationDate("2002-09", "2006-06")
                                description = listOf(Item("Thesis title: Wonderful Research",  false))
                            event("M.Sc. in Your Discipline") {
                                holder = "Your University"
                                duration = eventDurationDate("2001-09", "2002-06")
                            event("B.Sc. in Your Discipline") {
                                holder = "Stanford University"
                                duration = eventDurationDate("1998-09", "2001-06")
        println(resume.toLaTeX())   // Generate LaTeX output
        println(resume.toJson())    // Generate JSON representation of the resume
  2. Generate resume from JSON (e.g. sample-resume.json) in Java project:

    import static com.melkassib.altacv.generator.dsl.serialization.JsonSerializers.buildResumeFromJson;
    import static com.melkassib.altacv.generator.dsl.utils.ResumeTemplate.toLaTeX;
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            final String resumeAsJson = "...";
            final Resume resume = buildResumeFromJson(resumeAsJson);
            final String resumeLatexContent = toLaTeX(resume);
            System.out.println(resumeLatexContent); // Generate LaTeX output
  3. The easiest way to generate your resume PDF:

    1. Copy the generated LaTeX content to the online LaTeX editor Overleaf.
    2. Add the AltaCV package class altacv.cls to the same directory as your LaTeX file.
    3. Compile the LaTeX file to generate the PDF (using XeLaTeX compiler, Tex Live version 2024).