This repo contains the relevant source code to reproduce the analyses in Fehrman and Meliza (2024).
We controlled the voltage of a Connor-Stevens (CS) conductance-based neuron model using nonlinear model predictive control (MPC). While the parameters of the CS model in priniciple can be emperically estimated, we simulated the case where very little knowledge of the controlled neuron is known, and the dynamics must be approximated using data-driven methods. This was inspired by the data-driven forecasting (DDF) model proposed by Clark et al (2022). We used two dynamically distinct CS models (Type-I, Type-II) and demonstrated that they can be controlled with MPC without needing to know much of the biophysical details of the neurons.
This README will outline how reproduce our results. Almost all scripts used command line arguments to streamline iterating alternative parameter values.
IMPORTANT Some users may experience an error when trying to install pyspike
. One solution is to clone the source code and do a local setup:
git clone
cd PySpike
python build_ext --inplace
Then add the path to PySpike
to the Python environment variable (e.g. sys.path.append(**path to PySpike**)
). These instructions are taken from the authors of pyspike
and can be found here
The scripts necessary to simulate the activity of a CS neuron when stimulated with a known injected current (neuron_scripts
with the configuration parameters found in config_files
Contains the differential equations of the CS model along with a check to see if it is a Type-I or Type-II model based on the config file used.
Contains scripts for basic random Poisson spiking used for
Used to create both the known
Given a pre-computed
Used to convert an array of membrane voltage in a spike train. Also contains functionality for extracting the mean spiking waveform used in experiment 3 of the manuscript.
In our manuscript, we simulate a series of experiments where a known injected current is applied to a CS neuron. The resulting membrane voltages are used along with the injected current to build a discrete-time DDF model. The scripts necessary to do this are found in
Following Clark et al (2022), we used a radial basis function network (RBFN) for the DDF model. This model uses time-delay embedding of membrane voltage to predict the voltage at the next time step. All required scripts to construct this DDF model can be found here.
Using the Simplex method proposed by Sugihara (1990), the pyEDM
package is used to find the optimal time-delay embedding dimension for the DDF model.
Stimulates a given CS neuron with the training
. The
Using the DDF model, we can now use the do-mpc
package to perform nonlinear MPC of the CS neuron. The scripts for generating reference trajectories and implementing MPC are found in mpc_scripts
It is strongly encouraged to read the official documentation of do-mpc
in order to understand much of the code here.
Repeatedly stimulates a given CS neuron with injected and noise currents and saves the resulting membrane voltages as reference trajectories to use in MPC. If you are attempting to reproduce our results, this is the third script you should run.
Useful function that converts the Gaussian nonlinearity of the RBFN into a CasADI object that can be used by the optimizer in do-mpc
For a given CS neuron, DDF model, experiment number, and reference trajectory, controls the voltage of the CS neuron with MPC. The hyperparameters of the controller are given as command line arguments. If you are attempting to reproduce our results, this is the fourth script you should run.
Loops through saved MPC data and evaluates how well the controller performed. If you are attempting to reproduce our results, this is the fifth script you should run.
In our manuscript, we compared the performance of MPC to the open-loop method of repeating open_loop_scripts
Using the validation
, a given CS neuron is repeated stimulated with the injected current but varying
This is used in tandem with the results of
. It stimulates a given CS neuron only with the validation
For a given CS neuorn, experiment number, and reference trajectory, controls the voltage of the CS neuron with open-loop control. For experiment 3, a pulse width and amplitude parameter is required. If you are attempting to reproduce our results, this is the sixth script you should run.
Loops through saved open-loop data and evaluates how well the controller performed. If you are attempting to reproduce our results, this is the seventh script you should run.
In experiment 3, the control performance of MPC, open-loop control with a pulse, and proportional feedback control is compared. The script to do this can be found in p_controller_scripts/
. Only a single trial was used in the manuscript.
The controller gain and reference trajectory are specified with command line arguments. Additionally, upper and lower bounds to the control signal can be added as a fair comparison to the contraints used in
If you are attempting to reproduce our results, this is the eigth script you should run.
Many of the figures in the manuscript can be reproduced by running the above scripts and then followed by running the scripts in figure_scripts