This website is a project for completing a bachelor's degree at Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedaan.
- Python 3.12
- Django 5
Clone the repository on your computer :
git clone
If you already have other versions of Python and Django installed on your computer, creating a virtual environment is recommended, then installing the requirements to avoid version conflicts.
Create a virtual environment :
python -m venv your-virtual-env-name
Activate your virtual environment :
(for Linux)
source your-virtual-env-name/bin/activate
(for windows)
This project has a requirements.txt
file that includes all Django packages required to run the code. These can be installed with the command :
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the database migrations :
python migrate
Run the Django development server with the command:
python runserver
when you run this command, it listens to the port number '8000' by default, if this doesn't work try another port number like '8001' like this :
python runserver 8001
Last but not least, open your browser and then follow the URL.