A code generator for a subset of C# which converts the code to SSM language (simple stack machine), a low level Assembly language.
The program is written in Haskell using the parser combinators library i.e., using the package uu-tc.
- CSharpLex.hs: a lexical scanner for C# that transforms flat input (a string) into a list of tokens.
- CSharpGram.hs: types and functions for parsing C#.
- CSharpAlgebra.hs: The algebra type for the C# AST, and a corresponding fold function.
- SSM.hs: types and utilities for representing SSM programs.
- CSharpCode.hs: the code generator as an algebra, to transform C# abstract syntax into SSM code.
- Main.hs: main program that contains a driver calling the different phases in the right order. The program reads a C# file and writes an SSM result.
- ssmui.jar/ssm.jar: graphical simulator for the SSM. With this, you can run the generated code and test whether your code generator is working correctly.
- ssm.bat/ssm.sh/ssm2.bat/ssm2.sh: wrapper script to call ssmui.jar/ssm.jar with the generated code.
class Hello
int g;
void main()
int b;
b = 1;
int square( int x )
int y;
y = x*x;
return y;
int abs(int x)
if (x<0)
x = 0-x;
return x;
int fac(int x)
int r; int t;
t=1; r=1;
while (t<=x)
r = r*t;
t = t+1;
return r;
For further information on the details please read the pdf.