The goKiller app is a simple command-line utility written in Go that allows you to list running processes and optionally terminate them by name. It provides an easy-to-use interface for viewing and managing processes with a focus on RAM (memory) usage.
List Processes: View a list of all running processes along with their names, Process IDs (PIDs), and RAM usage in megabytes (MB).
Kill a Process: Terminate a running process by entering its name.
Kill a Process by PID: Terminate a running process by entering its PID.
Search for a Process: Search for a process by entering its name.
Exit the App: Quit the goKiller App.
Before you can use the goKiller App, make sure you have Go installed on your system. You can download and install Go from the official website:
Once Go is installed, follow these steps to run the app:
Open a terminal or command prompt.
Clone the GitHub repository containing the app's source code:
git clone
Navigate to the directory containing the app's source code:
cd goKiller
Build the app:
go build
Run the app:
Note: If you are using Windows, you can run the app by double-clicking the
file in the directory containing the app's source code.