Create simple Countdown pages with this flexible Gatsby Theme.
- Simple (default configs)
- Theme Jam (config shadowing example)
- World Cup (component shadowing example)
- Create a Gatsby site
gatsby new countdown-example
- Navigate to your project's folder and install the theme
cd countdown-example/
yarn add @rafaelquintanilha/gatsby-theme-countdown
- Add the theme to your
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: "My Countdown",
author: "Rafael Quintanilha"
plugins: [
resolve: "@rafaelquintanilha/gatsby-theme-countdown",
options: {
basePath: "/countdown",
mainHeader: "My countdown will end in:",
targetDate: "2020-04-28 00:00:00",
Then run yarn develop
and go to http://localhost:8000/countdown to see your countdown working 🎉
This theme is fully configurable through plugin options and shadowing.
Here's the full list of plugin options (add it in your gatsby-config.js
Option | Default | Description |
repoUrl | "" |
Link to the theme repository |
targetDate | Next new year's eve (e.g. "2020-01-01 00:00:00" ) |
Date for the countdown. Accepts any string that is convertible by MomentJS |
mainHeader | "Countdown to the New Year's Eve" |
Main text for the countdown |
secondaryHeader | "Spread the word!" |
Secondary text for the countdown |
daysLabel | "Days" |
Text that will be displayed below the days count |
hoursLabel | "Hours" |
Text that will be displayed below the hours count |
minutesLabel | "Minutes" |
Text that will be displayed below the minutes count |
secondsLabel | "Seconds" |
Text that will be displayed below the seconds count |
hideGithubButton | false |
Hide the top right Github link to the repo |
hideDays | false |
Hide days count |
hideHours | false |
Hide hours count |
hideMinutes | false |
Hide minutes count |
hideSeconds | false |
Hide seconds count |
hideWhatsappShareButton | false |
Hide Whatsapp share button |
hideTwitterShareButton | false |
Hide Whatsapp share button |
hideFacebookShareButton | false |
Hide Whatsapp share button |
hideParticles | false |
Hide particles.js in the background |
You can see options in action for the theme-jam and world-cup examples.
This theme also comes with two configuration files for react-particles-js and react-share. You can override their default props using a technique called shadowing.
In order to do this, create a src/@rafaelquintanilha/gatsby-theme-countdown/configs
folder from the root of your app. In there, you can override both particles.js
and share-buttons.js
Example of an extended particles.js config file
You can also override the default implementation of one of the base components.
Component | Path | Description |
MainHeader | src/components/main-header.js | Displays the mainHeader text as configured in options |
SecondaryHeader | src/components/secondary-header.js | Displays the secondaryHeader text as configured in options |
GithubLink | src/components/github-link.js | Component for the Github button displayed in the page |
ShareButtons | src/components/share-buttons.js | Component for the share buttons displayed below SecondaryHeader |
Credits | src/components/credits.js | Credits displayed in the footer |
SEO | src/components/seo.js | <Helmet> for the page |
Particles | src/components/particles.js | Wrapper for particles.js |
CountdownContainer | src/components/countdown-container | Container for the countdown |
CountNumber | src/components/count-number | Individual count number container |
Example of how to override a component
Finally, it is also possible to override the theme's styling using theme-ui.
In order to do this, create a src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js
from the root of your project and override the styles you want.
import merge from "lodash.merge";
import theme from "@rafaelquintanilha/gatsby-theme-countdown/src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index";
export default merge({}, theme, {
colors: {
primary: "#663399",
svg: {
fill: "#663399"
This theme runs with Yarn workspaces, so you can run each example separately:
yarn dev
yarn dev:theme-jam
yarn dev:world-cup
By default, yarn dev
will run the simple
Created by Rafael Quintanilha.