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Fix: make Locator.wait_for timeout safe
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Previously, failures due to the timeout being reached were treated as
unknown, unexpected errors. In such cases, `Channel.recv/2` would `raise`.

With this change, we can now match on `%Error{type: "TimeoutError"}`,
which avoids the `raise` and improves the API.

Note that the change also includes a small "hack": an attempt to ensure
that the related `GenServer` timeout does not occur before the
Playwright server timeout.

Fixes [issue #55](#55).
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coreyti committed Aug 5, 2024
1 parent 82fcdbf commit ef07a21
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Showing 10 changed files with 113 additions and 75 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/playwright/frame.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -896,9 +896,9 @@ defmodule Playwright.Frame do
@doc """
Returns when element specified by selector satisfies state option.
Returns `nil` if waiting for a hidden or detached element.
FIXME: the following is NOT TRUE... Returns `nil` if waiting for a hidden or detached element.
@spec wait_for_selector(t(), binary(), map()) :: ElementHandle.t() | nil
@spec wait_for_selector(t(), binary(), map()) :: ElementHandle.t() | {:error, Channel.Error.t()}
def wait_for_selector(%Frame{session: session} = frame, selector, options \\ %{}) do, {:guid, frame.guid}, :wait_for_selector, Map.merge(%{selector: selector}, options))
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33 changes: 26 additions & 7 deletions lib/playwright/locator.ex
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Expand Up @@ -986,6 +986,7 @@ defmodule Playwright.Locator do
Triggers a change and input event once all the provided options have been selected.
## Example
alias Playwright.Locator
locator =, "select#colors")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1245,26 +1246,44 @@ defmodule Playwright.Locator do
immediately. Otherwise, waits for up to `option: timeout` milliseconds until
the condition is met.
## Options
## Returns
- `Locator.t()`
## Arguments
| key/name | type | | description |
| ---------- | ------ | ------------ | ----------- |
| `:state` | option | state option | Defaults to `visible`. See "state options" below" |
| `:state` | option | state option | Defaults to `visible`. See "Options for `:state`" below". |
| `:timeout` | option | float | Maximum time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass 0 to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the browser_context.set_default_timeout(timeout) or page.set_default_timeout(timeout) methods. |
## State options
## Options for `:state`
| value | description |
| ---------- | ----------- |
| 'attached' | wait for element to be present in DOM. |
| 'attached' | wait for element to be present in DOM. (default) |
| 'detached' | wait for element to not be present in DOM. |
| 'visible' | wait for element to have non-empty bounding box and no visibility:hidden. Note that element without any content or with display:none has an empty bounding box and is not considered visible. |
| 'hidden' | wait for element to be either detached from DOM, or have an empty bounding box or visibility:hidden. This is opposite to the 'visible' option. |
## Example
@spec wait_for(t(), options()) :: :ok

# const orderSent = page.locator('#order-sent');
# await orderSent.waitFor();

@spec wait_for(t(), options()) :: t() | {:error, Channel.Error.t()}
def wait_for(%Locator{} = locator, options \\ %{}) do
Frame.wait_for_selector(locator.frame, locator.selector, options)
case Frame.wait_for_selector(locator.frame, locator.selector, options) do
%ElementHandle{} ->

{:error, _} = error ->

# private
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/playwright/page.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ defmodule Playwright.Page do
## Arguments
| key/name | type | | description |
| key/name | type | | description |
| ------------------- | ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
| `run_before_unload` | option | `boolean()` | Whether to run the before unload page handlers. `(default: false)` |
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44 changes: 4 additions & 40 deletions lib/playwright/sdk/channel.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ defmodule Playwright.SDK.Channel do
Catalog.put(catalog, Map.merge(owner, data))

def post(session, {:guid, guid}, message, params \\ %{}) when is_binary(guid) when is_pid(session) do
def post(session, {:guid, guid}, action, params \\ %{}) when is_binary(guid) when is_pid(session) do
connection = Session.connection(session)
message =, message, params)
message =, action, params)

# IO.inspect(message, label: "--->")

Expand All @@ -54,44 +54,8 @@ defmodule Playwright.SDK.Channel do

def recv(session, {from, message}) when is_map(message) do
# IO.inspect(message, label: "<--- Channel.recv/2 B")

case Response.recv(session, message) do
# NOTE: The following errors are known and expected (from tests).
# TODO: Translated these to various, distinct `API.Errors.<ErrorType>`

# require Logger

%Error{message: "Target page, context or browser has been closed"} = error ->
# Logger.warning(message)
reply(error, from)

%Error{message: "net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED at http://localhost:4002/assets/empty.html"} = error ->
# Logger.warning(message)
reply(error, from)

%Error{message: "Unknown permission: foo"} = error ->
# Logger.warning(message)
reply(error, from)

%Error{message: "Protocol error (Page.navigate): Cannot navigate to invalid URL"} = error ->
# Logger.warning(message)
reply(error, from)

%Error{message: "Timeout 500ms exceeded."} = error ->
# Logger.warning(message)
reply(error, from)

# NOTE: Any other errors are not yet exected, so we raise:

%Error{} = error ->
raise RuntimeError, message: "#{inspect(error)}"

%Event{} = event ->
reply(event, from)

%Response{} = response ->
reply(response, from)
Response.recv(session, message)
|> reply(from)

# or, "expect"?
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions lib/playwright/sdk/channel/connection.ex
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Expand Up @@ -96,14 +96,16 @@ defmodule Playwright.SDK.Channel.Connection do
update =
case response do
%{id: message_id} ->
key = {:message, message_id}
{from, callbacks} = Map.pop!(callbacks, key)
source = {:message, message_id}
# must have a match
{from, callbacks} = Map.pop!(callbacks, source)
Channel.recv(session, {from, response})
%{state | callbacks: callbacks}

%{guid: guid, method: method} ->
key = {as_atom(method), guid}
{from, callbacks} = Map.pop(callbacks, key)
source = {as_atom(method), guid}
# might have a match
{from, callbacks} = Map.pop(callbacks, source)
Channel.recv(session, {from, response})
%{state | callbacks: callbacks}

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27 changes: 20 additions & 7 deletions lib/playwright/sdk/channel/error.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,30 @@
defmodule Playwright.SDK.Channel.Error do
@moduledoc false
# `Error` represents an error message received from the Playwright server that is
# in response to a `Message` previously sent.
# `Error` represents an error message received from the Playwright server
# that is in response to a `Message` previously sent.
alias Playwright.SDK.Channel

@enforce_keys [:message]
defstruct [:message]
@enforce_keys [:type, :message]
defstruct [:type, :message]

@type t() :: %__MODULE__{message: String.t()}
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
type: String.t(),
message: String.t()

def new(%{error: error}, _catalog) do
def new(%{error: %{name: name, message: message} = _error}, _catalog) do
message: String.split(error.message, "\n") |> List.first()
type: name,
message: String.split(message, "\n") |> List.first()

# TODO: determine why we get here...
# DONE: see comment at error_handling.ex:9.
def new(%{error: %{message: message} = _error}, _catalog) do
type: "NotImplementedError",
message: String.split(message, "\n") |> List.first()
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions lib/playwright/sdk/channel_owner.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ defmodule Playwright.SDK.ChannelOwner do

defp post!(owner, action, data) do
case, {:guid, owner.guid}, action, data) do
# simple "succes": send "self"
defp post!(owner, action, params) do
case, {:guid, owner.guid}, action, params) do
# simple "success": send "self"
{:ok, %{id: _}} ->
Channel.find(owner.session, {:guid, owner.guid})
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion lib/playwright/sdk/helpers/error_handling.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ defmodule Playwright.SDK.Helpers.ErrorHandling do
timeout = options |> Map.get(:timeout, 30_000)

try do
# NOTE the HACK!
# In most cases (as of 20240802), the timeout value provided here is also
# used as a timeout option passed to the Playwright server. As such, there
# is/was a race condition in which the `action` provided here would often
# time out before a response from the server indicated it's own timeout.
action.(timeout + 5)
:exit, {:timeout, _} = _reason ->
{:error,{error: %{message: "Timeout #{inspect(timeout)}ms exceeded."}}, nil)}
Expand Down
52 changes: 43 additions & 9 deletions test/api/locator_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ defmodule Playwright.LocatorTest do
test "accepts `option: timeout` for expression evaluation", %{page: page} do
locator = Page.locator(page, ".missing")
options = %{timeout: 500}
errored = {:error, %Error{message: "Timeout 500ms exceeded."}}
errored = {:error, %Error{type: "TimeoutError", message: "Timeout 500ms exceeded."}}

|> Page.set_content("""
Expand All @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ defmodule Playwright.LocatorTest do
test "accepts `option: timeout` without a `param: arg`", %{page: page} do
locator = Page.locator(page, ".missing")
options = %{timeout: 500}
errored = {:error, %Error{message: "Timeout 500ms exceeded."}}
errored = {:error, %Error{type: "TimeoutError", message: "Timeout 500ms exceeded."}}

|> Page.set_content("""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,19 +723,53 @@ defmodule Playwright.LocatorTest do
[options: options]

test "waiting for 'attached'", %{options: options, page: page} do
frame = Page.main_frame(page)
test "on success (i.e., a match is found in time) returns the `Locator` instance", %{page: page} do
locator =, "div > span")

locator =, "a#link")
setup =
Task.async(fn ->
Page.set_content(page, "<div><span>target</span></div>")

task =
check =
Task.async(fn ->
assert :ok = Locator.wait_for(locator, Map.put(options, :state, "attached"))
Locator.wait_for(locator, %{timeout: 100})

page |> Page.set_content("<a id='link' target=_blank rel=noopener href='/one-style.html'>yo</a>")
assert [:ok, %Locator{}] = Task.await_many([setup, check])

test "on failure (i.e., the timeout is reached) returns an `{:error, error}` tuple", %{page: page} do
locator =, "div > span")

setup =
Task.async(fn ->
Page.set_content(page, "<div><span>target</span></div>")

check =
Task.async(fn ->
Locator.wait_for(locator, %{timeout: 100})

assert [:ok, {:error, %Error{type: "TimeoutError"}}] = Task.await_many([setup, check])

test "waiting for 'attached'", %{options: options, page: page} do
locator =, "a#link")

setup =
Task.async(fn ->
Page.set_content(page, "<a id='link' target=_blank rel=noopener href='/one-style.html'>link</a>")

check =
Task.async(fn ->
Locator.wait_for(locator, Map.put(options, :state, "attached"))

assert [:ok, %Locator{}] = Task.await_many([setup, check])
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/api/navigation_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,10 +53,11 @@ defmodule Playwright.NavigationTest do

test "fails when navigating to bad URL", %{page: page} do
error = %Error{
type: "Error",
message: "Protocol error (Page.navigate): Cannot navigate to invalid URL"

assert Page.goto(page, "asdfasdf") == {:error, error}
assert {:error, ^error} = Page.goto(page, "asdfasdf")

test "works when navigating to valid URL", %{assets: assets, page: page} do
Expand Down

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