Perform client-side image processing algorithms like:
- Spatial domain filtering
- Bit-plane slicing
Check out the demo.
- Takes an image
- Takes a kernel
- Applies kernel convolution on the image
- Displays the output
The kernel for image sharpening
The kernel for edge detection
Sharpening an image of a cat in a hat (Source: Photo by from Pexels)
Edge Detection on an image of skeletons on the street (Source: Photo by Iván Rivero from Pexels)
- Choose updatable kernel from templates
- Choose from a selection of images
- Split and process image across 4 workers
- Log the time taken to process image. Can log the time taken separately for each worker
- Implement more image processing stuff:
- min/max/median filters
- Separable filters for faster convolution
- Bit-plane slicing
- Use WebGL for fast processing in each worker
- Upload image from device
- Take camera photo and use image
- Download output to device
- Allow use of 5x5 kernels
- Use native canvas api instead of p5
- populate the pixels of the result image as they return from the web worker
- use rxjs
- floyd-steinberg dithering and other codingtrain challenges