Minimum viable graphql endpoint for CReSCENT pipeline result post processing running on FastAPI
cp sample.env .env
docker build -t minio-loompy-graphene src
docker build -t mlg-voyager voyager && cd voyager && npm install
docker-compose up
Go to localhost:9000
for minio and localhost:8000
for graphql playground and localhost:3000
for graphql voyager.
type has a runId
String field and a bucket
field of type MinioBucket
type has a bucketName
String field and a objects
field of type [MinioObject]
type has the typical minio properties as well as a field for presignedURLs.
type has the basic column/row attributes and shape fields.
- LoomFile type definition should implement a MinioObject interface (how to most generally represent MinioObject?)
- env and proxies for voyager so fastapi doesn't need to serve second endpoint ('/graphql')