An example of implementing Dependency Injection
The Source code Demonstrates implementing @Injected
Property Wrapper with Dependency Injection design pattern.
Consider generating your APIKey from OpenWeatherMap then replace with ADD_YOUR_API_KEY
inside WeatherService.swift file.
// MARK: - Dependency Injection Container
class DependencyInjectionContainer {
static let shared = DependencyInjectionContainer()
private var dependencies: [String: AnyObject] = [:]
func register<T>(_ dependency: T, for type: T.Type) {
let key = String(describing: type)
dependencies[key] = dependency as AnyObject
func resolve<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> T? {
let key = String(describing: type)
return dependencies[key] as? T
// MARK: - Injected Property Wrapper
struct Injected<T> {
private var dependency: T?
init() {
self.dependency = DependencyInjectionContainer.shared.resolve(T.self)
var wrappedValue: T {
guard let dependency = dependency else {
fatalError("Dependency not registered")
return dependency
How the @Injected
Property Wrapper Works:
Injected Dependencies: The
property wrapper automatically fetches the required dependency from the DependencyInjectionContainer when needed, eliminating the need for manual dependency passing or initializer injection. -
Use Case: In the ViewModel (WeatherViewModel), we use
to automatically inject the FetchWeatherUseCase without needing to manually pass it through the initializer. -
Repository & Service: The repository (WeatherRepositoryImpl) and use case (FetchWeatherUseCaseImpl) also use
to inject their respective dependencies like WeatherService and WeatherRepository.