Its a web application through which a user can take a quiz on Java online and verify himself. It will work as like a mock test before a test.
IDE- Spring Tool suite 4
JDK - Java 1.8
Framework - Spring Boot 2.4.4
Server - Tomcat v9.0
Software Design Pattern - MVC
Database – MySql Workbench 8.0(Spring Data Jpa)
Front-end: HTML,CSS,Thymeleaf
• Host into web server
• Separate leaderboard by question size.
• Admin Panel
• Faced error into database issue.
• Faced not getting any data from user input.
• Front end logical issue.
• Faced Some Little bugs.
This was a great experience doing this project. This project was intended to make the quiz web application system easier and reliable. I hope the intention of the program gets full filled. It will greatly help the beginners who are suffering in java. This will come in great help in the future.