Bugtracker is a Python 3 package, as well as a set of command-line applications, which collectively provide a software suite for analyzing biological echoes from radar data.
This README contains the installation instructions and a quick start guide. A more in-depth user manual can be found in MANUAL.md
As of v1.5.0, Bugtracker is supported for the following operating systems:
- Linux (CentOS 7, RHEL 7, Ubuntu, Fedora)
- Windows 10
We provide support for the following Radar filetypes:
- IRIS (old Environment Canada format)
- ODIM_H5 (new Environment Canada format)
- NEXRAD (US Weather Service radar format)
- Clone the repository to a local folder
git clone https://github.com/mcgillradar/bugtracker.git
Install miniconda3 Select the version marked "Python3.7 Miniconda3 Windows 64-bit" and run the installer.
Run the miniconda3 command line, and change directory into the bugtracker repository folder. Run the following commands to create and activate the environment:
conda env create --name bugtracker --file=environment_windows.yml
conda activate bugtracker
- Build the application by running the following script
python rebuild.py
- Generate the configuration file using the following:
python generate_config.py
This command will prompt the user for a root directory to save application data.
- Run unit tests (optional)
cd tests
- Clone the repository to a local folder
git clone https://github.com/mcgillradar/bugtracker.git
Install miniconda3 Select the version marked "Python3.7 Miniconda3 Linux 64-bit" and run the installer.
Open a terminal, and change directory into the bugtracker repository folder. Run the following commands to create and activate the environment:
conda env create --name bugtracker --file=environment_linux.yml
conda activate bugtracker
- Build the application by running the following script
python rebuild.py
- Generate the configuration file using the following:
python generate_config.py
This command will prompt the user for a root directory to save application data.
- Run unit tests (optional)
cd tests
These instructions work for both Linux and Windows.
- Get the latest version of Bugtracker by running the following command inside the repository:
git pull
- Run the rebuild script again
python rebuild.py
Apps are run from within the /apps folder.
Important: There are currently 4 command-line applications. To get help for each application, run the application with the '-h' flag. For example:
python nexrad_aws.py -h
This will display a help screen with information on what command-line arguments the application expects.
- nexrad_aws.py
- This application allows automated downloading of NEXRAD data from the Amazon Web Services servers provided by the US Weather Service.
- calib.py
- This calibration application must be run prior to the processing. This generates a calibration file which is specific to each radar. This must be run prior to the main tracker.py application.
- tracker.py
- This is the main data processing application. It takes as input raw data files, and outputs NETCDF4 containing the filtered bug data.
- animate.py
- This application creates a series of .avi animations. This must be run after tracker.py, as it uses the output images created by it.
A quick way to get started would be the following:
cd /your/local/path/bugtracker/apps
# download 3 days worth of NEXRAD files for testing
python nexrad_aws.py 20190728 20190730 kcbw
# create calibration file (by default will run over a 6 hour period)
python calib.py 201907280300 nexrad kcbw
# run processing algorithm (by default will only do one timestamp, but can be extended)
python tracker.py 201907300300 nexrad kcbw