The project holidays-calendar provides REST services for create, update, delete and search for holiday dates organized by Country, State or County.
Using Travis as CI accessing
Built using maven, java 8, spring-boot 1.4.3, spring-boot-devtools, spring-data-mongodb, swagger 2 and lombok accessing NoSQL MongoDB 3.2. Tests with junit, RestAssured and embedded MongoDB.
mvn spring-boot:run
- GET http://localhost:9090/holidays?idLocale=BR
- POST http://localhost:9090/holidays?idLocale=BR
- POST http://localhost:9090/locales
- GET http://localhost:9090/locales/types
- GET http://localhost:9090/locales/BR
Using Swagger UI 2 to document the RESTFul API accessing http://localhost:9090/swagger-ui.html