This reproduces a problem with using a Bazel module within the same repository that calls load() on a top-level target. The problem happens with both:
- 7.1.1: The most recent official release
- 8.0.0-pre.20240415.1: The most recent prerelease build
Use bazelisk and tweak .bazelversion to switch between the two.
is a trimmed down example based on a vendored copy
of the bazel_skylib v1.5.0 distribution used by my project. This example
module builds successfully with both Bazel versions in its own directory, both
with and without bzlmod.
Configured via local_repository in WORKSPACE:
% bazel build --nobuild --enable_bzlmod=false //...
INFO: Analyzed 0 targets (1 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 0 targets...
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.099s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 0 processes.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 0 total actions
Configured via bazel_dep and local_path_override in MODULE.bazel:
% bazel build --nobuild --enable_bzlmod=true //...
WARNING: Target pattern parsing failed.
ERROR: Skipping '//...': error loading package under directory '': error loading package 'third_party/vendored_module': cannot load '//:top_level_target.bzl': no such file
ERROR: error loading package under directory '': error loading package 'third_party/vendored_module': cannot load '//:top_level_target.bzl': no such file
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.054s
INFO: 0 processes.
ERROR: Build did NOT complete successfully
and the bzmlod mechanism seem to assume the module will
not reside within the same repo. The WORKSPACE or MODULE.bazel repository
boundary marker files don't appear to have an effect. (Neither do
artificially added REPO.bazel or WORKSPACE.bazel files.)