This is more of a checklist for myself. May contain useful tips and tricks.
Everything was tested on Kali Linux v2023.1 (64-bit) and iPhone 7 with iOS v13.4.1 and unc0ver jailbreak v8.0.2.
Check 3uTools if you want to jailbreak your iOS device. I have no liability over your actions.
For help with any of the tools type <tool_name> [-h | -hh | --help]
or man <tool_name>
If you didn't already, read OWASP MSTG and OWASP MASVS. You can download OWASP MSTG checklist from here.
Highly recommend reading Hacking iOS Applications and HackTricks - iOS Pentesting.
Websites that you should use while writing the report:
My other cheat sheets:
Future plans:
- install Burp Proxy and ZAP certificates,
- test widgets, push notifications, app extensions, and Firebase,
- disassemble, reverse engineer, and resign IPA,
- restore from a backup,
- future downgrades using SHSH BLOBS.
1. Basics
3. Search for Files and Directories
6. Deeplinks
7. Frida
8. Objection
10. Miscellaneous
11. Tips and Security Best Practices
Add the following sources to Cydia:
Install required tools on your iOS device using Cydia:
- A-Bypass
- AppSync Unified
- Cycript
- Cydia Substrate
- Debian Packager
- Frida (fix v16+ installation issue)
- nano
- PreferenceLoader
- ReProvision Reborn
- SQLite 3.x
- wget
- zip
SSH to your iOS device, then, download and install SSL Kill Switch 2:
dpkg -i com.nablac0d3.sslkillswitch2_0.14.deb
killall -HUP SpringBoard
Uninstall SSL Kill Switch 2:
dpkg -r --force-all com.nablac0d3.sslkillswitch2
Install required tools on your Kali Linux:
apt-get -y install
systemctl start docker
apt-get -y install ideviceinstaller libimobiledevice-utils libplist-utils radare2 sqlite3 sqlitebrowser xmlstarlet
pip3 install frida-tools objection property-lister
If you are interested in my tool, check /ivan-sincek/property-lister.
Make sure that Frida and Objection are always up to date:
pip3 install frida-tools objection property-lister --upgrade
docker pull opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf
docker run -it --rm --name mobsf -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf
Navigate to http://localhost:8000
using your preferred web browser.
docker image rm opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf
Install an IPA:
ideviceinstaller -i someapp.ipa
Uninstall an IPA:
ideviceinstaller -U
Install an IPA using 3uTools desktop app. Jailbreak is required.
Figure 1 - Sideloading an IPA using 3uTools
On your Kali Linux, start a local web server, and put an IPA in the web root directory (e.g. somedir
mkdir somedir
python3 -m http.server 9000 --directory somedir
On your iOS device, download the IPA, long press on it, choose "Share", and install it using ReProvision Reborn iOS app. Jailbreak is required.
Figure 2 - Sideloading an IPA using ReProvision Reborn
ssh root@
Default password is alpine
Tilde ~
is short for the root directory.
Download a file or directory from your iOS device:
scp root@ ./
scp -r root@ ./
Upload a file or directory to your iOS device:
scp somefile.txt root@
scp -r somedir root@
Use nano
to edit files directly on your iOS device.
Pull a decrypted IPA from your iOS device:
git clone && cd frida-ios-dump && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -o decrypted.ipa -P alpine -p 22 -H
If you want to pull an encrypted IPA from your iOS device, see section 8. Repackage an IPA and iMazing.
To unpack e.g. someapp.ipa
or decrypted.ipa
(preferred), run:
unzip decrypted.ipa
You should now see the unpacked Payload
Navigate to /Payload/
directory. There, you will find a binary which have the same name and no file type (i.e. someapp
Search the binary for specific keywords:
rabin2 -zzzqq someapp | grep -Pi 'keyword'
rabin2 -zzzqq someapp | grep -Pi 'hasOnlySecureContent|javaScriptEnabled|UIWebView|WKWebView'
WebViews can sometimes be very subtle, e.g. they could be hidden as a link to terms of agreement, privacy policy, about the software, referral, etc.
Search the binary for endpoints, deeplinks, sensitive data, comments, etc. For more examples, see section 4. Inspect Files.
Search the binary for weak hash algorithms, insecure random functions, insecure memory allocation functions, etc. For the best results, use MobSF.
Download the latest AppInfoScanner, install the requirements, and then extract and resolve endpoints from the binary:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 ios -i someapp
Navigate to /Payload/
directory. There, you will find a property list file with the name Info.plist
Extract URL schemes from the property list file:
xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'plist/dict/array/dict[key = "CFBundleURLSchemes"]/array/string' -nl Info.plist | sort -uf | tee url_schemes.txt
Search the property list file for endpoints, sensitive data [in Base64 encoding], etc. For more examples, see section 4. Inspect Files.
Search for files and directories from the root directory:
find / -iname '*keyword*'
Search for files and directories in the app specific directories (run env
in Objection):
cd /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/XXX...XXX/
cd /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/YYY...YYY/
If you want to download a whole directory from your iOS device, see section Download/Upload Files and Directories.
I preffer downloading the app specific directories, and then doing the file inspection on my Kali Linux.
Search for files and directories from the current directory:
find . -iname '*keyword*'
for keyword in 'access' 'account' 'admin' 'card' 'cer' 'conf' 'cred' 'customer' 'email' 'history' 'info' 'json' 'jwt' 'key' 'kyc' 'log' 'otp' 'pass' 'pem' 'pin' 'plist' 'priv' 'refresh' 'salt' 'secret' 'seed' 'setting' 'sign' 'sql' 'token' 'transaction' 'transfer' 'tar' 'txt' 'user' 'zip' 'xml'; do find . -iname "*${keyword}*"; done
Search for files and directories in NSUserDefaults insecure storage directory:
cd /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/YYY...YYY/Library/Preferences/
Search for sensitive data in property list files inside NSUserDefaults insecure storage directory:
scp root@ ./
plistutil -f xml -i
Inspect memory dumps, binaries, files inside an unpacked IPA, files inside the app specific directories, or any other files.
After you finish testing [and logout], don't forget to download the app specific directories and inspect all the files inside. Inspect what is new and what still persists after logout.
Don't forget to extract Base64 strings from property list files as you might find sensitive data.
There will be some false positive results since the regular expressions are not perfect. I prefer to use rabin2
over strings
because it can read Unicode characters.
On your iOS device, try to modify app's files to test the filesystem checksum validation, i.e. to test the file integrity validation.
Extract hardcoded sensitive data:
rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Pi '[^\w\d]+(basic|bearer)\ .+'
rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Pi '(access|account|admin|basic|bearer|card|conf|cred|customer|email|history|id|info|jwt|key|kyc|log|otp|pass|pin|priv|refresh|salt|secret|seed|setting|sign|token|transaction|transfer|user)\w*(?:\"\ *\:|\ *\=).+'
rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Pi '([^\w\d]+(to(\_|\ )do|todo|note)\ |\/\/|\/\*|\*\/).+'
Extract URLs, deeplinks, IPs, etc.:
rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Po '\w+\:\/\/[\w\-\.\@\:\/\?\=\%\&\#]+' | grep -Piv '\.(css|gif|jpeg|jpg|ogg|otf|png|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)' | sort -uf | tee urls.txt
rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Po '(\b25[0-5]|\b2[0-4][0-9]|\b[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}' | sort -uf | tee ips.txt
Extract all strings and decode Base64 strings:
rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | sort -uf > strings.txt
grep -Po '(?:([a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]){4})*(?:(?1){4}|(?1){3}\=|(?1){2}\=\=)' strings.txt | sort -uf > base64.txt
for string in $(cat base64.txt); do res=$(echo "${string}" | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | grep -PI '[\s\S]+'); if [[ ! -z $res ]]; then echo -n "${string}\n${res}\n\n"; fi; done | tee base64_decoded.txt
Extract hardcoded sensitive data:
IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do echo -n "\nFILE: \"${file}\"\n"; rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -Pi '[^\w\d]+(basic|bearer)\ .+'; done
IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do echo -n "\nFILE: \"${file}\"\n"; rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -Pi '(access|account|admin|basic|bearer|card|conf|cred|customer|email|history|id|info|jwt|key|kyc|log|otp|pass|pin|priv|refresh|salt|secret|seed|setting|sign|token|transaction|transfer|user)\w*(?:\"\ *\:|\ *\=).+'; done
IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do echo -n "\nFILE: \"${file}\"\n"; rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -Pi '([^\w\d]+(to(\_|\ )do|todo|note)\ |\/\/|\/\*|\*\/).+'; done
Extract URLs, deeplinks, IPs, etc.:
IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null; done | grep -Po '\w+\:\/\/[\w\-\.\@\:\/\?\=\%\&\#]+' | grep -Piv '\.(css|gif|jpeg|jpg|ogg|otf|png|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)' | sort -uf | tee urls.txt
IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null; done | grep -Po '(\b25[0-5]|\b2[0-4][0-9]|\b[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}' | sort -uf | tee ips.txt
Extract all strings and decode Base64 strings:
IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null; done | sort -uf > strings.txt
grep -Po '(?:([a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]){4})*(?:(?1){4}|(?1){3}\=|(?1){2}\=\=)' strings.txt | sort -uf > base64.txt
for string in $(cat base64.txt); do res=$(echo "${string}" | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | grep -PI '[\s\S]+'); if [[ ! -z $res ]]; then echo -n "${string}\n${res}\n\n"; fi; done | tee base64_decoded.txt
Use SCP to download database files, and then open them using DB Browser for SQLite.
To inspect the content, navigate to Browse Data
tab, expand Table
dropdown menu, and select the desired table.
Figure 3 - DB Browser for SQLite
To inspect/edit database files on your iOS device, use SQLite 3; SSH to your iOS device and run the following commands:
sqlite3 somefile
SELECT * FROM sometable;
You can automate such tasks with Property Lister.
Get your iOS device UDID:
idevice_id -l
Create a backup:
idevicebackup2 backup --full --source someudid --udid someudid ./
By default, NSURLSession class stores data such as HTTP requests and responses in Cache.db unencrypted database file.
Search for sensitive data in property list files inside Cache.db unencrypted database file:
scp root@ ./
property-lister -db Cache.db -o plists
Cache.db is unencrypted and backed up by default, and as such, should not contain any sensitive data after user logs out - it should be cleard by calling removeAllCachedResponses().
Unpack e.g. someapp.ipa
or decrypted.ipa (preferred).
Dump all the databases, and extract and convert to a readable format all the property list files:
property-lister -db Payload -o ipa_db
property-lister -pl Payload -o ipa_pl
Repeat the same for the app specific directories.
Create an HTML template to manually test deeplinks:
mkdir ios_deeplinks
# multiple URL schemes
for scheme in $(cat url_schemes.txt); do for url in $(cat urls.txt | grep -Poi "${scheme}\:\/\/.+"); do if [[ ! -z $url ]]; then echo -n "<a href='${url}'>${url}</a>\n<br><br>\n" | tee "ios_deeplinks/${scheme}_deeplinks.html"; fi; done; done
# single URL scheme
scheme="somescheme"; for string in $(cat urls.txt | grep -Poi "${scheme}\:\/\/.+"); do echo -n "<a href='${string}'>${string}</a>\n<br><br>\n"; done | tee "ios_deeplinks/${scheme}_deeplinks.html"
python3 -m http.server 9000 --directory ios_deeplinks
For url_schemes.txt
see section Info.plist, and for urls.txt
see section 4. Inspect Files.
Fuzz deeplinks using ios-url-scheme-fuzzing script with Frida:
frida -U -no-pause -l ios-url-scheme-fuzzing.js -f
frida -U -no-pause --codeshare ivan-sincek/ios-url-scheme-fuzzing -f
Check the source code for more instructions. You can also paste the whole source code directly into Frida and call the methods as you prefer.
Sometimes, deeplinks can bypass biometrics.
Useful resources:
List processes:
frida-ps -Uai
frida-ps -Uai | grep -i 'keyword'
Get PID for a specified keyword:
frida-ps -Uai | grep -i 'keyword' | cut -d ' ' -f 1
Discover internal methods/calls:
frida-discover -U -f | tee frida_discover.txt
Trace internal methods/calls:
frida-trace -U -p 1337
frida-trace -U -p 1337 -i 'recv*' -i 'send*'
Bypass biometrics using ios-touch-id-bypass script:
frida -U -no-pause -l ios-touch-id-bypass.js -f
frida -U -no-pause --codeshare ivan-sincek/ios-touch-id-bypass -f
On the touch ID prompt, press Cancel
I prefer to use the built-in method in Objection.
Hook all classes and methods using ios-hook-classes-methods script:
frida -U -no-pause -l ios-hook-classes-methods.js -f
frida -U -no-pause --codeshare ivan-sincek/ios-hook-classes-methods -f
Useful resources:
objection -g explore
Run a Frida script in Objection:
import somescript.js
objection -g explore --startup-script somescript.js
Get information:
ios info binary
ios plist cat Info.plist
Get environment variables:
Get HTTP cookies:
ios cookies get
Dump Keychain, NSURLCredentialStorage, and NSUserDefaults:
ios keychain dump
ios nsurlcredentialstorage dump
ios nsuserdefaults get
Sensitive data such as app's PIN, password, etc. should not be stored as a plain-text in the keychain; instead, they should be hashed as an additional level of protection.
Dump app's memory to a file:
memory dump all mem.dmp
Dump app's memory after e.g. 10 minutes of inactivity, then, check if sensitive data is still in the memory, see section 4. Inspect Files.
Search app's memory directly:
memory search 'somestring' --string
List classes and methods:
ios hooking list classes
ios hooking search classes 'keyword'
ios hooking list class_methods 'someclass'
ios hooking search methods 'keyword'
Hook on a class or method:
ios hooking watch class 'someclass'
ios hooking watch method '-[someclass somemethod]' --dump-args --dump-backtrace --dump-return
Change the method's return value:
ios hooking set return_value '-[someclass somemethod]' false
Monitor crypto libraries:
ios monitor crypto
Monitor the pasteboard:
ios pasteboard monitor
You can also dump the pasteboard using cycript.
Bypass a jailbreak detection:
ios jailbreak disable --quiet
objection -g explore --startup-command 'ios jailbreak disable --quiet'
Also, on your iOS device, check A-Bypass
in Settings
Bypass SSL pinning:
ios sslpinning disable --quiet
objection -g explore --startup-command 'ios sslpinning disable --quiet'
Also, on your iOS device, check SSL Kill Switch 2 in Settings
Bypass biometrics:
ios ui biometrics_bypass --quiet
objection -g explore --startup-command 'ios ui biometrics_bypass --quiet'
Also, you can import Frida script.
SSH to your iOS device and run the following commands.
Navigate to the app specific directory:
cd /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/XXX...XXX/
Repackage the IPA:
mkdir Payload
cp -r Payload
zip -r repackaged.ipa Payload
rm -rf Payload
On your Kali Linux, download the repackaged IPA:
scp root@ ./
If you want to pull a decrypted IPA from your iOS device, see section Pull a Decrypted IPA.
On your Kali Linux, run the following command:
idevicesyslog -p 1337
SSH to your iOS device, then, download and run Filemon:
wget && tar zxvf filemon.tgz && chmod 777 filemon
./filemon -c -f
Always look for created or cached files, images/screenshots, etc. Use nano
to edit files directly on your iOS device.
Sensitive files such as know your customer (KYC) and similar, should not persists in the app specific directories on the user device after the file upload.
Images/screenshots path:
cd /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/YYY...YYY/Library/SplashBoard/Snapshots
After copying sensitive data, the app should wipe the pasteboard after a short period of time.
SSH to your iOS device and run the following commands:
cycript -p 1337
[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].items
Press CTRL + D
to exit.
You can also monitor the pasteboard in Objection.
scp root@*.app/embedded.mobileprovision ./
openssl smime -inform der -verify -noverify -in embedded.mobileprovision
Bypass any keyboard restriction by copying and pasting data into an input field.
Access tokens should be short lived, and if possible, invalidated on logout.
Don't forget to test widgets, push notifications, app extensions, and Firebase.
App should not disclose sensitive data in the predictive text (due to incorrectly defined input field type), app switcher, and push notifications.
App should warn a user when taking a screenshot of sensitive data, as well as, that it is trivial to bypass biometrics authentication if iOS device is jailbroken.
Production app (i.e. build) should never be debuggable.
- (decode QR codes)
- (code signing certificates, etc.)
- (test debit/credit cards for Apple Pay)
- (useful videos about jailbreaking, etc.)
- (fix for installation issue) (alt. app store | no jailbreak needed)
- (iOS backups)
Export IPA using iMazing (free trial). Jailbreak is not required.
Figure 4 - iMazing