The manager app allows manager to control the worker pool, each worker is an EC2 instance. Manager itself is deployed on a single EC2 and is set to run on port 5000.The size of worker pool can be scaled manually and automatically. All images are saved in S3 and all data is saved in RDS.
The user app allows users to upload images and get the processed ones with objects detected. The load of user app is balanced by Load Balancer.
DNS name:
AMI ID of the user app: ami-0016a2318cd331666
Login into AWS console, start the manager app EC2 instance.
Use the command below to access EC2 instance. The project is placed at root directory and please use the start up script to launch.
ssh -i "keypair.pem"
To start the deployed server on EC2, execute the start up script at Desktop directory with command below.
~/Desktop/$ sudo bash
There is an pre-registered manager account, feel free to use it.
Manager name: admin
Password : password
Users are required to be authenticated before uploading images. Unauthenticated accesses will be redirected to the login page.
During registration, users should provide a unique username and a password. Username should have 2 to 100 characters, and contains only letters, numbers, dash and underscore. Password should have 6 or more characters. Validation of username and password is performed on server end. Users will be redirected to the login page upon successful registration.
Users will be redirected to profile upon successful login. The profile view contains an image upload form and a gallery of thumbnails of the processed images. Users can select an image file and click on the upload button to add a new image to the profile. In the gallery section, users can only view the images uploaded by themselves.
By clicking on the thumbnails, users will be redirected to the image page that shows the original image and the image processed by the object detection modules.
This application exposes two endpoints below for testing purposes.
This endpoint accepts HTTP POST requests to register a user. There are two string parameters in this request: username and password. The endpoint will return a login HTML view with code 201 upon successful registration. If the parameters are not in the requested format, a flash message will ask users to change username and password format, code 200 will be returned.
- Request URL: http://host/api/register
- HTTP method: POST
- Request parameters
- username - String
- password - String
- Response: - JSON
'isSuccess': True,
'url': url_for('user.login')
'isSuccess': False,
'message': "error message"
This endpoint accepts HTTP POST requests to add an image to user's gallery. This request should include two string parameters: username and password; and a file parameter: file. The encrypt property of this request should be set to multipart/form-data.
- Request URL: http://host/api/upload
- HTTP method: POST
- Request parameters
- username - String
- password - String
- file - file
- Response - JSON
{ success: true } { success: false, message: "error message" }
The dashboard page shows two charts. The first chart shows the total CPU utilization of workers for the past 30 minutes with the resolution of 1 minute. The second chart shows the rate of HTTP requests received by workers in each minute for the past 30 minutes.
The page "Number of workers" shows the number of healthy targets registered to ELB for the past 30 minutes with the resolution of 1 minute.
The configuration page displays the load-balancer DNS name and the information of all the instances in the worker pool. There are four buttons on this page. Administrators can manually increase one instance by clicking the scale up button. They can manually decrease one instance by clicking the scale down button. The "Clear all" button will delete application data stored on the database as well as all images stored on S3. The "Terminate" button will terminate all the workers and then stop the
manager itself.
The page "Auto-scale Policy" asks administrators to input the upper and lower threshold and the increase and decrease ratio to set a new auto scale policy.
The worker pool on EC2 contains workers on which runs the user app. User app will read/write data from/to AWS RDS. Pictures uploaded by users and generated by the user app will be stored on AWS S3.
Manager app on EC2 is allowed to control the work pool, which can create or terminate instances. Once a worker is created or terminated on EC2, ELB will register/de-register it. ELB automatically distributes the http requests to workers in the worker pool to allow each worker to handle the requests evenly.
Manager app accepts http requests from the admin users to load worker information, change the worker pool size, clear the database and S3 bucket, terminate worker instances and stop the manager instance. Manager app gets the worker information from AWS CloudWatch.
An IAM role is attached to all workers on EC2 so that they can have access to the S3 bucket, CloudWatch, and ELB.
The gunicorn application server is set up to launch the user app at port 5000. Manager app also runs at port 5000. The flask web application communicates with the database at port 3306.
There are four tables in the database. The Users table takes username as the primary key and it stores users' credential information. The password stored is the hash of the original password concatenated with a per-user salt value.
The Images table has an id incremented automatically and a foreign key referenced from the username in the user table. The image table also contains some image information, like the storage location of the image, the timestamp and the type of the image(i.e. original, processed or thumbnail).
The AdminUsers table takes administrator's username as the primary key and it stores users' credential information. The password stored is the hash of the original password concatenated with a per-user salt value.
The AutoscalePolicy table has an id incremented automatically. It also has upper threshold, lower threshold, increase ratio and decrease ratio that are related to the auto scaling of the workers. This database follows the 3NF.
Auto scaling policy has four parameters - upper threshold, lower threshold, increase ratio and decrease ratio. These parameters can be set by default or manually configured by manager.
Upper threshold (%):
Once the CPU utilization is higher than the upper threshold, the auto-scaler would increase the number of instances based on increase ratio.
Lower threshold (%):
Once the CPU utilization is lower than the lower threshold. the auto-scaler would decrease the number of instances based on decrease ratio.
Increase ratio (>1):
Number of instances after auto-increment = Increase ratio * Current number of instances
Decrease ratio (0~1)
Number of instances after auto-decrement = Decrease ratio * Current number of instances
At 23:22, 23:26 and 23:30, we use load generator to upload 200 pictures each, in total 600 pictures. Auto-scaler runs every 60 seconds. It compares the average CPU utilization over past 2 minutes to upper and lower thresholds from Autoscale Policy. If Auto-scaler decides to resize the worker pool, the process can be completed within 90 seconds.
The autoscale policy in this demo is,
Upper threshold: 70%
Lower threshold: 30%
Increase ratio: 2
Decrease ratio: 0.5
Starting from 14:45, we used two load generators to upload pictures to test auto-scaler by turns and at the same time, which uploaded 2 and 4 pictures per seconds. At 14:55, around 360 picture uploaded per minute, reaching the top inbound traffic in this particular test. In total, 1200 pictures were uploaded and processed.
At around 14:55, the CPU utilization went over the upper threshold 70%, auto-scaler started to react. The number of target jumped to 9 gradually.
As we slowed down the rate of uploading pictures, 8 instances were redundant, as the CPU utilization decrease to below 30%. It halved 8 instances to 4.
After we stopped uploading any picture, the number of instances were halved again to 2, eventually 1.
From 21:54, the number of instance remained stable at 1. Though the CPU utilization was below 30%, the last instance wouldn't be scaled down.
Also, the number of targets remained 4 and 2 for 4~5 minutes, because the CPU utilization was between 30% and 70%. The auto-scaler was not activated.
- 404 Not Found
- 403 Forbidden
- 401 Unauthorized
- 400 Bad Request
- Image Format: this application only accept format accepted by open cv framework, including bmp, pbm, pgm, ppm, sr, ras, jpeg, jpg, jpe, jp2, tiff, tif, png. The format should be explicitly identified as file extension.
Hongyu Liu
Stored information about user accounts and the location of photos owned by a user on AWS RDS. Implemented the auto-scaling algorithm. Improved the graphic user interfaces.
Ran Wang
Stored all photos (processed, unprocessed and thumbnails) in S3. Registered/Deregistered the workers to ELB.
Zixiang Ma
Generated the two charts: total CPU utilization and the rate of HTTP requests. Generated the separate page showing the number of workers for the past 30 minutes. Added the register and login page for manager app. Generated a image for user app and deployed the manager app on EC2 instance. Generated IAM Roles to give permissions to the EC2 instances.