Install and set environments for building Debian packages with sbuild.
Debian-based distribution who have sbuild(=> 0.71) installed or available from the package management tool, apt.
By default this dictionary is empty.
Chroot that will be created by sbuild-createchroot if not present.
Theses keys can be used to set options to the sbuild-createchroot command.
Default: dictionary item.key. Set the Debian-based codenmae distribution, ex: jessie.
Default: dictionary item.key. Set the chroot prefix name, ex: jessie-backports.
Default: 'amd64'. Set the processor architecture wanted for the chroot, ex: 'i386'.
Default: 'sbuild'. Set the suffix chroot name, ex: test.
Default: ''. Add an extra apt source list, ex: 'deb jessie-backports main'.
Default: 'debpkg_schroot_homedir/item.key', debpkg_schroot_homedir is a distribution specific variable set into vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml file. Set the full path of the chroot, ex: /home/sbuild/jessie.
Default: 'debpkg_schroot_mirror', another distribution specific variable. Set the packages archive mirror used, ex: ''.
Default: false. Set to true to install and enable lintian.
Default: false. Set to true to install and enable piuparts.
Default: false, so it will use the default sbuild mailfrom variable 'Source Builder <sbuild>'. Set to source mail address for mail reports of builds, need debpkg_mailto option to be set to enable mail reporting.
Default: false. Set to destintaion mail address to send mail reports of builds, this option also enable mail reporting.
- hosts: servers
become: yes
- maxlareo.debpkg
- debpkg_piuparts: true
- debpkg_chroots:
suite: jessie
prefix: jessie-backports
extra_repository: 'deb jessie-backports main'
suite: xenial
prefix: whatever
suffix: iwant
arch: i386
homedir: '/home/sbuild-test/xenial-testing-var'
mirror: ''
Exemple made on Debian distribution !
On other distributions the default mirror variable will not be the same, so for Debian chroot the mirror variable is optional for a Debian chroot, but for an Ubuntu chroot, by exemple, it will be mandatory on a Debian host !
Created by Maxime Lareo.