Autocomplete/typeahead input ready to be used with Bootstrap 4 in Rails 5.
For Bootstrap 3 and Rails 4 - see bootstrap3_autocomplete_input gem.
- Adds an input with autocomplete/typeahead compatible with Bootstrap 4.
- Works with SimpleForm.
- Uses the autocomplete library from Bootstrap-3-Typeahead that works with Bootstrap 4.
gem 'simple_form'
gem 'bootstrap_autocomplete_input'
It assumes that you have Bootstrap 4 in your application. For example, you can use the bootstrap-rubygem gem.
gem 'jquery-rails', '~>4.2.2'
gem 'jquery-ui-rails'
gem 'sass-rails'
gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.0.0.alpha6'
# Tooltips and popovers depend on tether for positioning. If you use them, add tether to the Gemfile:
source '' do
gem 'rails-assets-tether', '>= 1.3.3'
# if problems with SSL - use source ''
Include two js files (bootstrap3-typeahead.min, bootstrap-autocomplete-input.min) in your assets file 'app/assets/javascripts/application.js' after 'bootstrap.js'.
//= require jquery2
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require bootstrap
//= require bootstrap3-typeahead.min
//= require bootstrap-autocomplete-input
//= require bootstrap-autocomplete-input-init
for Turbolinks:
//= require jquery2
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require bootstrap
//= require bootstrap3-typeahead.min
//= require bootstrap-autocomplete-input
//= require bootstrap-autocomplete-input-init-turbolinks
All CSS for autocomplete input is already contained in Bootstrap 3 CSS.
For example, if you use bootstrap-sass, your css files 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss' might be like
@import "bootstrap";
use with Webpacker
yarn add
// autocomplete
import 'bootstrap-autocomplete-input-assets/src/js/bootstrap3-typeahead.min.js';
import 'bootstrap-autocomplete-input-assets/src/js/bootstrap-autocomplete-input.min.js';
Assuming that we have models Order and Client.
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders
We will add autocomplete input to order's form for editing its client.
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
autocomplete :client, :name
This will generate the controller method 'autocomplete_client_name' that returns JSON data with clients.
Add routes for the generated controller action:
resources :clients do
get :autocomplete_client_name, :on => :collection
This will generate route with name autocomplete_client_name_clients
which can be accesedby path autocomplete_client_name_clients_path.
specify what to display as a value in a text field:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :order
def to_s
use :autocomplete input type for the client's field in 'app/views/orders/_form.html.haml'
=simple_form_for @order do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :field1
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_query => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url
= f.button :submit, 'Save', :class=> 'btn-primary'
The gem has method "autocomplete" to generate an action in your controller:
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
autocomplete :client, :name
This will add new action 'autocomplete_client_name' where :client is the model class name and :name is the field name in the model. The action uses params[:q] for the searching term and queries the database.
The action returns data in JSON format:
[["id1", "name1"], ["id2", "name2"], ..]
which is an array of ids and titles.
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
autocomplete :client, :name, { options_hash_here }
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
autocomplete :client, :name, { :column_name => 'title_long' }
It will search in this column in database.
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
autocomplete :client, :name, { extra_columns: [:lastname, :birthdate], column_name: 'fullname' }
- Method used for getting ID of the record.
- Make sure that columns this method depends on are included in :extra_columns option.
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
autocomplete :client, :name, { :display_value => 'fullname', :full_model=>true }
Additional WHERE conditions
- Add additional filter using :scopes option
autocomplete :client, :name, { :scopes => [:w_usa, :w_active]}
# scopes in model
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
# scopes
scope :w_usa, -> { where(region_id: 1) }
scope :w_active, -> { where(active: true) }
- Add additional filter using :where option with search condition
autocomplete :client, :name, { :where => 'region_id=1' }
- For dynamic search conditions use :where_method option
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
autocomplete :client, :name, { :where_method => :w_region }
def w_region
# get value from params
v = params[:region_id]
if v
return "region_id=#{v}"
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
def name_with_birthdate firstname+', '+birthdate end end
It will display search results using this method. You must set option :full_model=>true if you search by one column but you want to display value from other columns.
# JSON data returned by the controller
[[1, 'Mark Twen, 1980'], [2, 'John Deer, 1985'], ..]
specify options:
= simple_form_for @order do |f|
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_query => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url, :option_name => opt_value, :option_name2=>value2
You have several options to get data for search:
- :source => url - get static data downloaded from URL
- :source_query => url - query data with a keyword from URL
- :source_array => array - data is stored in local array of strings
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_query => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_array => ['item1', 'item2', ..]
Autocomplete input adds a hidden field to use the id of the selected item. Unless you use local array as data source (:source_array), the hidden field for the id is added automatically.
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_query => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url
This will generate HTML like
<input id="order_client_id" type="hidden" value="0" name="order[client_id]">
<input id="order_client" name="order[client]"
class="autocomplete optional" type="text" value="*some value*"
data-source-query="http://localhost:3000/clients/autocomplete_client_name" data-provide="typeahead" data-field-id="order_client_id"
This will update the field with id "order_client_id" with the id of the selected object.
Data posted from the form to the server will contain the id of the selected client (params[:order][:client_id])
client_id: 5,
client: 'client name',
If you don't want to have a hidden field for object id, set :field_id option to false:
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url, :field_id=>false
This will generate HTML without a hidden field:
<input id="order_client" name="order[client]"
class="autocomplete optional" type="text" value="*value*"
The max number of items to display in the dropdown. Default is 8.
= simple_form_for @order do |f|
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_query => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url, :items => 2
The minimum character length needed before triggering autocomplete suggestions. You can set it to 0 so suggestion are shown even when there is no text when lookup function is called. Default is 1.
= simple_form_for @order do |f|
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_query => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url, :minLength=>3
View the full list of options at Note that not all options from that list are supported by the current gem.
The callback function to be execute after an item is selected.
= simple_form_for @order do |f|
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_query => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url, :minLength=>3, :afterSelect=>'after_select_client'
function after_select_client(item){
console.log('item is selected');
= simple_form_for @order, html: { autocomplete: 'off' } do |f|
-#.. other fields..
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url
Data will be loaded from the server once after page loads, and all queries to search a string will be against the stored data. Do not use this if you have a big number of items for client.
= f.input :client, :as => :autocomplete, :source_query => autocomplete_client_name_clients_url
Data will loaded from the server every time you type a new string in the field.
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
autocomplete :client, :name, { :display_value => 'name_with_birthdate', :full_model=>true }
# model
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
def name_with_birthdate
firstname+', '+birthdate
You can write your own method to retrieve data instead of
autocomplete :client, :name
which actually generates method 'autocomplete_client_name'.
See example -
This gem uses the ORM library for ActiveRecord models included in rails3-jquery-autocomplete
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