This module is for downloading every mp3 file from a patreon rss feed.
It's currently in an alpha state and functions for my specific use case very well, and other use cases with a bit of force. The next update will offer a better options object to control various aspects to your liking. Right now, it will just download every audio/mpeg type file in the rss feed to the current directory.
You'll need to get your individual rss link from the patreon campaign's website ( -> sidebar under 'Memberships' -> individual campaign -> Membership tab -> quick links -> 'Listen on other podcast apps')
import getRssItems from 'patreon-mp3-downloader';
const items = await getRssItems('');
// this will be an array of Item objects, that has a title and a url
// as well as a download() method that you can use to trigger the download of
// an individual file.
// since you have an array of objects that each contains it's own download method,
// you are free to download them as you like.
// download the latest item in the rss feed:
await items[0].download();
// download each item in sequence, starting with the latest, prepending a number to the file name:
let counter = items.length;
for (const item of items) {
console.log(`downloading ${counter} - ${item.fileName}`);
await`${counter} - `);
// download every item in the feed at once (do not recommend for larger feeds):
await Promise.all( => await
// you could also chunk the array with lodash, and Promise.all each chunk:
import _ from 'lodash';
const chunks = _.chunk(items, 5);
for (const chunk of chunks) {
await Promise.all( => await;
Again, a more user-friendly interface with the above methods built in is coming in the next update.
made with ๐ and ๐บ