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Home Assistant Integration
To use home assistant make sure that discovery is enabled in config.json (default is true):
"hadiscovery": {
"enabled" : true
[...other properties]
Optionally you can edit "hadiscovery" and topic structure (code, zone name prefix, icons etc) in config.json.
By changing "zones" you can define custom behaviour for devices. In this example i changed the water leak sensor (zone 16) to report a Normally Open (NO) contact type, with device class "moisture" (see HA wiki for device_class info), and i forced the sensor to use the "open" property as status for binary sensor.
"zones": {
"16": {
"contactType": "NO",
"device_class": "moisture",
"statusProperty": "open"
every binary_sensor reports this data (example: binary_sensor.zona_1_ingresso):
alarm: false
bypass: false
fault: false
id: 1
lastChecked: '2021-02-17T16:05:49.290Z'
lowbat: false
message: OK
name: Ingresso
ok: true
open: false
problem: false
status: '0'
type: Ritardata
friendly_name: Zona 1 Ingresso
device_class: door
you can use home assistant template sensors to define a sensor o binary_sensor you may need:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Door Battery"
value_template: >-
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.zona_1_door', 'lowbat')}}
sensor.ialarm_last_event reports the last event (that you can check in the alarm webui http://192.168.1.x/SystemLog.htm). Usually this is a string with date that reports:
- alarm trigger/cancel/armed/disarmed
- sensor error (connectivity problem)
- sensor tamper
- sensor battery low
- power line failure
You can use it in an automation to send the content via telegram, HA notifications, etc.
To check if a sensor is reporting activity (open, error, battery low, etc) you can configure on lovelace an entity-filter
show_header_toggle: false
title: Sensors reporting OPEN
type: entities
- binary_sensor.zona_1_name
- binary_sensor.zona_2_name
- binary_sensor.zona_3_name
- binary_sensor.zona_4_name
- binary_sensor.zona_5_name
- binary_sensor.zona_6_name
- binary_sensor.zona_7_name
- binary_sensor.zona_8_name
- binary_sensor.zona_9_name
- binary_sensor.zona_10_name
show_empty: false
- 'on'
type: entity-filter
you can use scripts to do stuff
alias: Cancella notifica antifurto
service: mqtt.publish
topic: ialarm/alarm/set
payload: cancel
qos: 2
this sends you via notify.telegram the last event string (you can use any other kind of notification provider):
- id: eventi-antifurto
alias: Eventi antifurto
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.ialarm_last_event
service: notify.telegram
message: >
Notifica dall'antifurto: {{ trigger.to_state.state }}
script.ip_camera_snapshots is your user defined script that actually sends images, I won't describe here how to do it.
- id: allarme_disabilitato
alias: Snapshot se Allarme disarmed/triggered
- entity_id: alarm_control_panel.ialarm
platform: state
from: armed_away
to: disarmed
- entity_id: alarm_control_panel.ialarm
platform: state
from: armed_home
to: disarmed
- entity_id: alarm_control_panel.ialarm
platform: state
to: triggered
- service: script.ip_camera_snapshots