Fast start for writing static web site
git clone .
npm install
##Layouts ###Using existing layouts /src/layouts/core.hbs - Base layout for all templates
/src/layouts/default.hbs - Default layout. Used by all pages by default.
###Create new layout
- Create new file in /src/layouts/ directory. For example: /src/layouts/docs.hbs
- Edit Gruntfile.json
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
assemble: {
options: {
layout: "default.hbs",
layoutdir: 'src/layouts',
data: 'src/data/*.json',
flatten: true
pages: {
files: {
'.': ['src/pages/*.hbs']
layout: "docs.hbs"
files: {
'docs/': ['src/docs/*.hbs']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['assemble']);
- Run grunt
- All files from src/doc will be generated to "docs/" folder using "docs.hbm" layout ##Pages All pages by default located in src/pages folder, but you can change it in Gruntfile.json. ###Create new page
- Add new file "yourname.hbs" to src/pages directory
- Run "grunt" command
- New file will be generated using default.hbs layout in root directory with name yourname.html
##Data You can add any data to json file and use it in your page template or layout. As you can see in src/data folder located 2 files. project.json - project data file. menu.json - Main menu data file ###Using data For using data from datafiles write in your tamplate next
{{}} - get name from project.json file