A PyTorch implementation of CapsNet based on Hinton's Dynamic Routing Between Capsules using PyTorch's Visdom and Ignite.
- Python 3
- Numpy
- Visdom
- PyTorch
- Ignite
- ConfigArgParse
- TorchVision
# Make sure a recent Python 3 version is installed
# clone this repository.
git clone git@github.com:mavanb/capsnet_pytorch.git
# install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# train the capsnet using the default settings
python train_capsnet.py
The main modules in this project are:
- nets.py: all networks or models used
- layers.py: all layers used in the networks
- loss.py: margin loss
- utils.py: utilities
- train_capsnet.py: train an instance of the CapsNet
To handle the PyTorch training process, we use ignite. All supporting modules are in ignite_features.
- trainer.py contains the abstract Trainer class that adds all commonly used handlers and supports a train, validation and test step. The CapsuleTrainer extends this class and implement the train, valid and test functions.
- plot_handlers.py handles to make standard visdom plots
- metric.py custom ignite metrics
- log_handlers.py all handlers used for logging
The default configuration file are in default.conf. The data is downloaded to the data folder.
To run a new experiment.
# make folder in the experiments folder
mkdir experiments/newexp
# copy the default configs
cp configurations/default.conf experiments/newexp/
Change the configurations files to the desired settings. Make sure in general.conf the experiment name points to the right experiment:
exp_name = newexp
Some relevant settings:
- Log the test accuracy
If save_best = True
test accuracy on the best validation epoch and the model name are logged to a csv in the experiment folder.
Change the filename using score_file_name = best_acc
- Change the architecture
The architecture of the capsule layers can be changed in the config. The default architecture is architecture = 32,8;10,16
The layers are seperated by a semi-column. Each layer constist of two numbers seperated by a comma. The number of capsule is the first number,
the vector length the second. The primary capsule layer are arranged in a 6x6 grid, so 32 means 6x6x32 = 1152 capsules. Example of an extra layer:
architecture = 32,8;14,12;10,16
- Change the dataset
dataset = mnist
. Project currently support mnist
, fashionmnist
and cifar10
. The train data is split into a
train and validation set. Change the size using valid_size = 0.1
- Debug mode
If debug = True
the dataloader uses only one worker and only a few images are loaded into the dataset.
Visdom is used to plot and log the metrics. To use visdom, make sure that the general.conf file contains:
start_visdom = True
use_visdom = True
Or set start_visdom to False and start visdom manually:
python -m visdom.server -env_path ./experiments/newexp
During training navigate to http://localhost:8097 to follow the training process. All visdom files are written to the env_path (generally the experiment folder) for later analysis.