First clone the repository from
The front end uses Node.js. Referer here for further directions After the installation of Node.js was successful, navigate to the project folder and run:
npm install
npm run build
If the installation was successful all the necessary files should be created.
Note: you need to have python 3.6.1 installed, on your machine.
The back end uses Flask Framework. The following tutorial shows, how to set up
virtualenv and Flask:
Note: to install virtual, enviroment on windows run:
pip install virtualenv
To install the virtual environment for the project, navigate to the folder and run:
virtualenv < name of the folder>
After installing virtual environment on the project folder, activate it using:
Make sure the environment is activated before proceeding with the instructions.
Install all dependencies from requriments.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
In case you add new dependencies, do not forget to update the requirements.txt file
pip freeze > requirements.txt
A batch file (batchfile.bat) is provided to easily activate the virtual environment and start the localhost, given that all the previous installations are successfully completed. You can access the app via:
The application will redirect to Zeeguu login page if the cookie for the session is not set yet. To set a test session in the cookies, go to the browser and run :
This will set a test cookie for local debugging.
The project is deployed on the Heroku server[1]. The deployment is connected to Github repository: The link to deployed app: