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User Authentication

Gert-Jan Timmer edited this page Jul 20, 2018 · 1 revision

This package supports the SQLite User Authentication module.


To use the User authentication module the package has to be compiled with the tag sqlite_userauth. See Features.

Create Protected Database

In order to create a protected database the DSN option user and pass are minimal required.

**When creating a protected database the given user which creates the database will automatically be added as an admin user.


Create an user authentication database with user admin and password admin.


Create an user authentication database with user admin and password admin and used the built-in SHA512 Encoder with salt: salted.



For more information about user / password encryption see Crypt Encoders.


Operations on the database regarding to user management can only be preformed by an administrator user.


The user authentication supports two kinds of users

  • administrators
  • regular users

User Management

User management can be done by directly using the *SQLiteConn or by SQL.


The following sql functions are available for user management.

Function Arguments Description
authenticate username string, password string Will authenticate an user, this is done by the connection; and should not be used manually.
auth_user_add username string, password string, admin int This function will add an user to the database.
if the database is not protected by user authentication it will enable it. Argument admin is an integer identifying if the added user should be an administrator. Only Administrators can add administrators.
auth_user_change username string, password string, admin int Function to modify an user. Users can change their own password, but only an administrator can change the administrator flag.
authUserDelete username string Delete an user from the database. Can only be used by an administrator. The current logged in administrator cannot be deleted. This is to make sure their is always an administrator remaining.

These functions will return an integer.

INT TXT Description
23 SQLITE_AUTH Failed to perform due to authentication or insufficient privileges


// Autheticate user
// Create Admin User
SELECT auth_user_add('admin2', 'admin2', 1);

// Change password for user
SELECT auth_user_change('user', 'userpassword', 0);

// Delete user
SELECT user_delete('user');


The following functions are available for User authentication from the *SQLiteConn.

Function Description
Authenticate(username, password string) error Authenticate user
AuthUserAdd(username, password string, admin bool) error Add user
AuthUserChange(username, password string, admin bool) error Modify user
AuthUserDelete(username string) error Delete user

Attached database

When using attached databases. SQLite will use the authentication from the main database for the attached database(s).

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