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Powerful, whiteboard-style ETL

A lightweight, zero-dependency library for writing type-safe, beautiful ✨🍰 data flows in functional Scala. Battle-tested at Instacart 🥕


  • White-board style ETL
  • Drop Etl4s.scala into any Scala project like a header file
  • Type-safe, compile-time checked pipelines
  • Effortless concurrent execution of parallelizable tasks with &>
  • Easy monadic composition of pipelines
  • Chain pipelines with ~>, sequence them with >>
  • Built in retry/on-failure mechanism for nodes + pipelines

Get started

etl4s is on MavenCentral and cross-built for Scala, 2.12, 2.13, 3.x:

"xyz.matthieucourt" %% "etl4s" % "1.0.1"

Try it in your repl:

scala-cli repl --scala 3 --dep xyz.matthieucourt:etl4s_3:1.0.1

All you need:

import etl4s.*

Code Example

import etl4s.*

/* Define components */
val getUser  = Extract("john_doe") ~> Transform(_.toUpperCase)
val getOrder = Extract("2 items")
val process  = Transform[(String, String), String] { case (user, order) => 
  s"$user ordered $order" 
val saveDb    = Load[String, String](s => { println(s"DB: $s"); s })
val sendEmail = Load[String, Unit](s => println(s"Email: $s"))
val cleanup   = Pipeline[Unit, Unit](_ => println("Cleanup complete"))

/* Group tasks with &, Connect with ~>, Sequence with >> */
val pipeline =
     (getUser & getOrder) ~> process ~> (saveDb & sendEmail) >> cleanup

Core Concepts

etl4s has 2 building blocks

Pipeline[-In, +Out]

Pipeline's are the core abstraction of etl4s. They're lazily evaluated data transformations take input In and produce output type Out.

A pipeline won't execute until you call unsafeRun() or safeRun() on it and provide the In.

Build pipelines by:

  • Chaining nodes with ~>
  • Wrap functions directly with Pipeline(x => x + 1)
  • Connect existing pipelines with the same ~> operator

Node[-In, +Out]

Node's are the pipeline building blocks. A Node is just a wrapper around a function In => Out that we chain together with ~> to form pipelines.

etl4s offers three nodes aliases purely to make your pipelines more readable and express intent clearly:

  • Extract[-In, +Out] - Gets your data. You can create data from "purely" with Extract(2) (which is shorthand for Extract(_ => 2))
  • Transform[-In, +Out] - Changes data shape or content
  • Load[-In, +Out] - Finalizes the pipeline, often with a side-effect like writing to storage

They all behave identically under the hood.

Type safety

etl4s won't let you chain together "blocks" that don't fit together:

 val fiveExtract: Extract[Unit, Int]        = Extract(5)
 val exclaim:     Transform[String, String] = Transform(_ + "!")

 fiveExtract ~> exclaim

The above will not compile with:

-- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: -------------------------------------------------
4 | fiveExtract ~> exclaim
  |                ^^^^^^^
  |                Found:    (exclaim : Transform[String, String])
  |                Required: Node[Int, Any]

Of note...

  • Ultimately - these nodes and pipelines are just reifications of functions and values (with a few niceties like built in retries, failure handling, concurrency-shorthand, and Future based parallelism).
  • Chaotic, framework/infra-coupled ETL codebases that grow without an imposed discipline drive dev-teams and data-orgs to their knees.
  • etl4s is a little DSL to enforce discipline, type-safety and re-use of pure functions - and see functional ETL for what it is... and could be.


etl4s uses a few simple operators to build pipelines:

Operator Name Description Example
~> Connect Chains operations in sequence e1 ~> t1 ~> l1
& Combine Group sequential operations with same input t1 & t2
&> Parallel Group concurrent operations with same input t1 &> t2
>> Sequence Runs pipelines in order (ignoring previous output) p1 >> p2

Handling Failures

etl4s comes with 2 methods you can use (on a Node or Pipeline) to handle failures out of the box:


Give retry capability using the built-in RetryConfig:

import etl4s.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

val riskyTransformWithRetry = Transform[Int, String] {
    var attempts = 0; n => attempts += 1
    if (attempts < 3) throw new RuntimeException(s"Attempt $attempts failed")
    else s"Success after $attempts attempts"
    RetryConfig(maxAttempts = 3, initialDelay = 10.millis)

val pipeline = Extract(42) ~> riskyTransformWithRetry

This prints:

Success after 3 attempts


Catch exceptions and perform some action:

import etl4s.*

val riskyExtract =
    Extract[Unit, String](_ => throw new RuntimeException("Boom!"))

val safeExtract = riskyExtract
                    .onFailure(e => s"Failed with: ${e.getMessage} ... firing missile")
val consoleLoad: Load[String, Unit] = Load(println(_))

val pipeline = safeExtract ~> consoleLoad

This prints:

Failed with: Boom! ... firing missile

Parallelizing Tasks

etl4s has an elegant shorthand for grouping and parallelizing operations that share the same input type:

/* Simulate slow IO operations (e.g: DB calls, API requests) */

val e1 = Extract { Thread.sleep(100); 42 }
val e2 = Extract { Thread.sleep(100); "hello" }
val e3 = Extract { Thread.sleep(100); true }

Sequential run of e1, e2, and e3 (~300ms total)

val sequential: Extract[Unit, ((Int, String), Boolean)] =
     e1 & e2 & e3

Parallel run of e1, e2, e3 on their own JVM threads with Scala Futures (~100ms total, same result, 3X faster)


val parallel: Extract[Unit, ((Int, String), Boolean)] =
     e1 &> e2 &> e3

Use the built-in zip method to flatten unwieldly nested tuples:

val clean: Extract[Unit, (Int, String, Boolean)] =
     (e1 & e2 & e3).zip

Mix sequential and parallel execution (First two parallel (~100ms), then third (~100ms)):

val mixed = (e1 &> e2) & e3

Full example of a parallel pipeline:

val consoleLoad: Load[String, Unit] = Load(println(_))
val dbLoad:      Load[String, Unit] = Load(x => println(s"DB Load: ${x}"))

val merge = Transform[(Int, String, Boolean), String] { t => 
    val (i, s, b) = t

val pipeline =
  (e1 &> e2 &> e3).zip ~> merge ~> (consoleLoad &> dbLoad)

Built-in Tools

etl4s comes with 3 extra abstractions to make your pipelines hard like iron, and flexible like bamboo. You can use them directly or swap in your own favorites (like their better built homologues from Cats).

Reader[R, A]: Config-driven pipelines

Need database credentials? Start and end dates for your batch job? API keys? Environment settings? Let your pipeline know exactly what it needs to run, and switch configs effortlessly.

import etl4s.*

case class ApiConfig(url: String, key: String)
val config = ApiConfig("", "secret")

val fetchUser = Reader[ApiConfig, Transform[String, String]] { config =>
  Transform(id => s"Fetching user $id from ${config.url}")

val loadUser = Reader[ApiConfig, Load[String, String]] { config =>
  Load(msg => s"User loaded with key `${config.key}`: $msg")

val configuredPipeline = for {
                          userTransform <- fetchUser
                          userLoader    <- loadUser
                        } yield Extract("user123") ~> userTransform ~> userLoader

/* Run with config */
val result =


"User loaded with key `secret`: Fetching user user123 from"

Writer[W, A]: Log accumulating pipelines

Collect logs at every step of your pipeline and get them all at once with your results. No more scattered println's - just clean, organized logging, that shows exactly how your data flowed through the pipeline.

import etl4s.*

type Log = List[String]
type DataWriter[A] = Writer[Log, A]

val fetchUser = Transform[String, DataWriter[String]] { id =>
    List(s"Fetching user $id"),
    s"User $id"

val processUser = Transform[DataWriter[String], DataWriter[String]] { writerInput =>
  for {
    value <- writerInput
    result <- Writer(
      List(s"Processing $value"),
      s"Processed: $value"
  } yield result

val pipeline = Extract("123") ~> fetchUser ~> processUser
val (logs, result) = pipeline.unsafeRun(()).run()


Logs: ["Fetching user 123", "Processing User 123"]
Result: "Processed: User 123"

Validated[E, A]: Error accumulating pipelines

No more failing on the first error! ... And fixing bugs ... one ... by ... one. Stack quality checks and accumulate lists of errors. This is perfect for validating data on the edges of your pipelines (Just use Validated. valid/invalid... then zip on a Validated to "stack" your validations).

import etl4s.*

case class User(name: String, age: Int)

def validateName(name: String): Validated[String, String] =
  if (!name.matches("[A-Za-z ]+")) Validated.invalid("Name can only contain letters")
  else Validated.valid(name)

def validateAge(age: Int): Validated[String, Int] =
  if (age < 0) Validated.invalid("Age must be positive")
  else if (age > 150) Validated.invalid("Age not realistic")
  else Validated.valid(age)

val validateUser = Transform[(String, Int), Validated[String, User]] {
  case (name, age) =>
      .map { case (name, age) => User(name, age) }

val pipeline = Extract(("Alice4", -1)) ~> validateUser 

This returns:

  Name can only contain letters,
  Age must be positive


Chain two pipelines

Simple UNIX-pipe style chaining of two pipelines:

import etl4s.*

val plusFiveExclaim: Pipeline[Int, String] =
    Transform((x: Int) => x + 5) ~> 
    Transform((x: Int) => x.toString + "!")

val doubleString: Pipeline[String, String] =
    Extract((s: String) => s) ~> 
    Transform[String, String](x => x ++ x)

val pipeline: Pipeline[Int, String] = plusFiveExclaim ~> doubleString



Complex chaining

Connect the output of two pipelines to a third:

import etl4s.*

val fetchUser = Transform[String, String](id => s"Fetching $id")
val loadUser = Load[String, String](msg => s"Loaded: $msg")

val namePipeline = Extract("alice") ~> fetchUser ~> loadUser
val agePipeline = Extract(25) ~> Transform(age => s"Age: $age")

val combined: Pipeline[Unit, Unit] = for {
  name <- namePipeline
  age <- agePipeline
  combined <- Extract(s"$name | $age") ~> Transform(_.toUpperCase) ~> Load(println)
} yield combined




Real-world examples

See the tutorial to learn how to build an invincible, combat ready etl4s pipeline that use Reader based dependency injection.

etl4s works great with anything:

  • Spark / Flink / Beam
  • ETL / Streaming
  • Distributed Systems
  • Local scripts
  • Big Data workflows
  • Web-server dataflows
