A pure Javascript library for parsing Clojure code into syntax trees.
If you're using npm:
$ npm install clojarse-js
Or clone it from github:
$ git clone git@github.com:mattfenwick/clojarse-js.git
MIT. Please don't use it for evil.
Import it as a library from JavaScript code:
var c = require('clojarse-js');
// first the CST
console.log(JSON.stringify(c.parseCst('(^a ~b @c)'), null, 2));
// now for an AST
console.log(JSON.stringify(c.parseAst('(^a ~b @c)'), null, 2));
Or use its simple command line interface:
$ echo '(^a ~b @c)' | node main.js
The goal is to parse a superset of Clojure's syntax. Therefore, some things which clojarse-js parses may be invalid from Clojure's point of view.
determine start, end of each hierarchical form and token
errors possible: first one will terminate parsing
convert the CST into an AST, throwing away some information and simplifying the structure of the tree:
expand built-in reader macros
->(var abc)
->(quote qrs)
->(clojure.core/deref abc)
->(clojure.core/unquote abc)
->(clojure.core/unquote-splicing abc)
fold metadata into "owner" node
Errors are not expected -- any errors should represent bugs.