A place for me to save programming related resources. Below is a curated collection of resources I've found helpful and worth noting.
(B400) Code by Charles Petzold - work up from one by land, two by sea all the way to a modern computer
(V43) 4 Programming Paradigms - Aja Hammerly - it's not all OOP out there
(V20) How A CPU Works
(V36) Simplicity Matters - Rich Hickey - simple and easy are different things
(V28) Big-O: How Code Slows as Data Grows - Ned Batchelder
(V73) Efficiency with Algorithms, Performance with Data Structures - Chandler Carruth
(V24) Web Development 2018 - Must Know Tech
(V15) 10 Programming Languages
(A20) A Comparison of NoSQL Database Management Systems and Models
(D) PEP 8 - coding conventions / style guide
(V42) Beyond PEP 8 -- Best practices for beautiful intelligible code - Raymond Hettinger - keep from being drawn into PEP8 tunnel vision and write Pythonic code
(A15) OOP in Python 3
(A10) Truthy and Falsy values in Python
(V25) Facts and Myths about Python names and values - Ned Batchelder
(V32) All Your Ducks In A Row: Data Structures in the Std Lib and Beyond - Brandon Rhodes
(V37) Modern Python Dictionaries A confluence of a dozen great ideas - Raymond Hettinger
(V27) Memory Management in Python - The Basics - Nina Zakharenko
(V30) Refactoring Python: Why and how to restructure your code - Brett Slatkin - refactoring strategies and examples
(A15) Python Virtual Environments Primer - keeping project packages separate
(A30) Intro to pyenv - installing and using multiple Python versions
(A15) Pipenv Guide
(V48) The Why of Go - Carmen Andoh - providing context for why Go is the way it is
(V31) Concurrency is Not Parallelism - Rob Pike - explains the difference between the two and how they're related
(V35) Getting Started Testing - Ned Batchelder - overview of how to write unit tests, intended for novices to testing
(A10) How to get started with Continuous Integration
(T30) Continuous Integration With Python: An Introduction
(A10) Kubernetes? Docker? What is the difference?
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - a practical intro to programming. By the end of the book a user can write scripts to automate daily tasks in a handful of domains.
Codecademy - quick overview of language basics with plenty of practice problems to exercise the material. A basics course can be completed during a one week free trial.
Khan Academy: CS Algorithms - brief introduction to binary search, asymptotic notation, sorting algorithms, graphs and breadth-first search. Includes quizzes and Javascript exercises.
(A5) History of user agent string (2008)
(A20) An Introduction to Big Data Concepts and Terminology
(A5) MD5 vs SHA-1 vs SHA-2 - a brief look at common hashes
(B400) Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - gumption, gumption traps, quality, attitude toward work
(B230) So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport - importance of skill development
(B296) Deep Work by Cal Newport - importance of interrupted focus
(B350) Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman - curiosity, persistence
Anki - spaced repetition software, best if used daily