This is the Mobile Robotics Project for Team 1: Fangtong Liu, Matt Wilmes, and Weiyang Zhang
Our master branch is organized into four main folders. These also have their own separate branches if desired:
This folder contains code for the following:
- The Continuous Direct Sparse Visual Odometry method
- Tool for aligning calculated data with groundtruth data
- Our 3D Visualization tool
More information can be seen in the folder's
This folder contains code for our implementation of Dense Visual Odometry
More information can be seen in the folder's
This folder contains code for the following:
- Open3D's implementation of Direct Visual Odometry and Hybrid Visual Odometry
- Tools for associating data with regard to timestamps
- Evaluation tools from TUM to analyze the Relative Pose Error and Absolute Trajectory Error
More information can be seen in the folder's
This folder contains code for running the Simple Dense Visual Odometry method
More information can be seen in the folder's