Germanium is an alternative to Carbon and Silicon implemented in Go.
Germanium can work without browser and internet like Silicon.
germanium [FLAGS] [FILE]
-o, --output <PATH> Write output image to specific filepath [default: ./output.png]
-b, --background <COLOR> Background color of the image [default: #aaaaff]
-f, --font <FONT> Specify font eg. 'Hack-Bold'
-l, --language <LANG> The language for syntax highlighting eg. 'go'
-s, --style <STYLE> The style for syntax highlighting eg. 'dracula'
-c, --clip Copy image to clipboard
--list-styles List all available styles for syntax highlighting
--list-fonts List all available fonts in your system
--no-line-number Hide the line number
--no-window-access-bar Hide the window access bar
--font-size <SIZE> Change the font size [default: 24px]
-v, --version Show Version
Generate image From file
germanium -o main.png main.go
Generate image From Stdin (need to add option -l
or --language
cat main.go | germanium -l go -o main.png -
Generate image with another style (you can get a list of them with --list-styles
germanium -s solarized-dark -o main.png main.go
Generate image without line number
germanium --no-line-number -o main.png main.go
Generate image without window control bar
germanium --no-window-access-bar -o main.png main.go
Generate image and copy to clipboard
germanium --no-window-access-bar -o main.png main.go -c
You can download from here.
yay germanium
git clone
cd cmd/germanium && go install
- Go (1.17 or 1.18)
- denops-germanium.vim is a Vim/Neovim plugin for germanium by skanehira.
- germanium.el is a Emacs package for germanium.