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Port wiki pages to documentation website #11402

merged 15 commits into from
Dec 1, 2021
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Add wiki pages to documentation website.
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions docs/
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- [Server Version](admin_api/
- [Manhole](
- [Monitoring](
- [Understanding Synapse Through Grafana Graphs](usage/administration/
- [Useful SQL for Admins](usage/administration/
- [Database Maintenance Tools](usage/administration/
- [State Groups](usage/administration/
- [Request log format](usage/administration/
- [Admin FAQ](usage/administration/
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- [Scripts]()

# Development
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# Other
- [Dependency Deprecation Policy](
- [Running Synapse on a Single-Board Computer](other/
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## Summary of performance impact of running on resource constrained devices such as SBCs

I've been running my homeserver on a cubietruck at home now for some time and am often replying to statements like "you need loads of ram to join large rooms" with "it works fine for me". I thought it might be useful to curate a summary of the issues you're likely to run into to help as a scaling-down guide, maybe highlight these for development work or end up as documentation. It seems that once you get up to about 4x1.5GHz arm64 4GiB these issues are no longer a problem.

- **Platform**: 2x1GHz armhf 2GiB ram [Single-board computers](, SSD, postgres.

### Presence

This is the main reason people have a poor matrix experience on resource constrained homeservers. Element web will frequently be saying the server is offline while the python process will be pegged at 100% cpu. This feature is used to tell when other users are active (have a client app in the foreground) and therefore more likely to respond, but requires a lot of network activity to maintain even when nobody is talking in a room.


While synapse does have some performance issues with presence #3971, the fundamental problem is that this is an easy feature to implement for a centralised service at nearly no overhead, but federation makes it combinatorial #8055. There is also a client-side config option which disables the UI and idle tracking [enable_presence_by_hs_url] to blacklist the largest instances but I didn't notice much difference, so I recommend disabling the feature entirely at the server level as well.
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### Joining

Joining a "large", federated room will initially fail with the below message in Element web, but waiting a while (10-60mins) and trying again will succeed without any issue. What counts as "large" is not message history, user count, connections to homeservers or even a simple count of the state events, it is instead how long the state resolution algorithm takes. However, each of those numbers are reasonable proxies, so we can use them as estimates since user count is one of the few things you see before joining.


This is #1211 and will also hopefully be mitigated by peeking matrix-org/matrix-doc#2753 so at least you don't need to wait for a join to complete before finding out if it's the kind of room you want. Note that you should first disable presence, otherwise it'll just make the situation worse #3120. There is a lot of database interaction too, so make sure you've [migrated your data]( from the default sqlite to postgresql. Personally, I recommend patience - once the initial join is complete there's rarely any issues with actually interacting with the room, but if you like you can just block "large" rooms entirely.
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### Sessions

Anything that requires modifying the device list #7721 will take a while to propagate, again taking the client "Offline" until it's complete. This includes signing in and out, editing the public name and verifying e2ee. The main mitigation I recommend is to keep long-running sessions open e.g. by using Firefox SSB "Use this site in App mode" or Chromium PWA "Install Element".

### Recommended configuration

Put the below in a new file at /etc/matrix-synapse/conf.d/sbc.yaml to override the defaults in homeserver.yaml.

# Set to false to disable presence tracking on this homeserver.
use_presence: false

# When this is enabled, the room "complexity" will be checked before a user
# joins a new remote room. If it is above the complexity limit, the server will
# disallow joining, or will instantly leave.
# Uncomment to enable room complexity checking.
#enabled: true
complexity: 3.0

# Database configuration
name: psycopg2
user: matrix-synapse
# Generate a long, secure one with a password manager
password: hunter2
database: matrix-synapse
host: localhost
cp_min: 5
cp_max: 10

Currently the complexity is measured by [current_state_events / 500]( You can find join times and your most complex rooms like this:

admin@homeserver:~$ zgrep '/client/r0/join/' /var/log/matrix-synapse/homeserver.log* | awk '{print $18, $25}' | sort --human-numeric-sort
29.922sec/-0.002sec /_matrix/client/r0/join/
182.088sec/0.003sec /_matrix/client/r0/join/
911.625sec/-570.847sec /_matrix/client/r0/join/

admin@homeserver:~$ sudo --user postgres psql matrix-synapse --command 'select canonical_alias, joined_members, current_state_events from room_stats_state natural join room_stats_current where canonical_alias is not null order by current_state_events desc fetch first 5 rows only'
canonical_alias | joined_members | current_state_events
-------------------------------+----------------+---------------------- | 871 | 52355 | 6379 | 10684 | 461 | 3751 | 997 | 1509 | 554 | 854
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## Admin FAQ

How do I become a server admin?
If your server already has an admin account you should use the user admin API to promote other accounts to become admins. See
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If you don't have any admin accounts yet you won't be able to use the admin API so you'll have to edit the database manually. Manually editing the database is generally not recommended so once you have an admin account, use the admin APIs to make further changes.

UPDATE users SET admin = 1 WHERE name = '';
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What servers are my server talking to?
Run this sql query on your db:

SELECT * FROM destinations;
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What servers are currently participating in this room?
Run this sql query on your db:

SELECT DISTINCT split_part(state_key, ':', 2)
FROM current_state_events AS c
INNER JOIN room_memberships AS m USING (room_id, event_id)
WHERE room_id = '!' AND membership = 'join';
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What users are registered on my server?

SELECT NAME from users;
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Manually resetting passwords:

I have a problem with my server. Can I just delete my database and start again?
Deleting your database is unlikely to make anything better.

It's easy to make the mistake of thinking that you can start again from a clean slate by dropping your database, but things don't work like that in a federated network: lots of other servers have information about your server.

For example: other servers might think that you are in a room, your server will think that you are not, and you'll probably be unable to interact with that room in a sensible way ever again.

In general, there are better solutions to any problem than dropping the database. Come and seek help in

There are two exceptions when it might be sensible to delete your database and start again:
* You have *never* joined any rooms which are federated with other servers. For instance, a local deployment which the outside world can't talk to.
* You are changing the `server_name` in the homeserver configuration. In effect this makes your server a completely new one from the point of view of the network, so in this case it makes sense to start with a clean database.
(In both cases you probably also want to clear out the media_store.)

I've stuffed up access to my room, how can I delete it to free up the alias?
Using the following curl command:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' -X DELETE<room-alias>
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\<access-token\> - can be obtained in riot by looking in the riot settings, down the bottom is:
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Access Token:\<click to reveal\>

\<room-alias\> - the room alias, eg. this possibly needs to be URL encoded also, for example
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How can I find the lines corresponding to a given HTTP request in my homeserver log?

Synapse tags each log line according to the HTTP request it is processing. When it finishes processing each request, it logs a line containing the words `Processed request: `. For example:

2019-02-14 22:35:08,196 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 302 - INFO - GET-37 - ::1 - 8008 - {@richvdh:localhost} Processed request: 0.173sec/0.001sec (0.002sec, 0.000sec) (0.027sec/0.026sec/2) 687B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync HTTP/1.1" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36" [0 dbevts]"

Here we can see that the request has been tagged with `GET-37`. (The tag depends on the method of the HTTP request, so might start with `GET-`, `PUT-`, `POST-`, `OPTIONS-` or `DELETE-`.) So to find all lines corresponding to this request, we can do:

grep 'GET-37' homeserver.log

If you want to paste that output into a github issue or matrix room, please remember to surround it with triple-backticks (```) to make it legible (see

What do all those fields in the 'Processed' line mean?
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What are the biggest rooms on my server?

SELECT s.canonical_alias, g.room_id, count(*) AS num_rows
state_groups_state AS g,
room_stats_state AS s
WHERE g.room_id = s.room_id
GROUP BY s.canonical_alias, g.room_id
ORDER BY num_rows desc
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## Some useful SQL queries for Synapse Admins

## Size of full matrix db
`SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_database_size( 'matrix' ) );`
### Result example:
6420 MB
(1 row)
## Show top 20 larger rooms by state events count
SELECT, s.room_id, s.current_state_events
FROM room_stats_current s
LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
ORDER BY current_state_events DESC

and by state_group_events count:
SELECT, s.room_id, count(s.room_id) FROM state_groups_state s
LEFT JOIN room_stats_state rss USING (room_id)
GROUP BY s.room_id,
ORDER BY count(s.room_id) DESC
plus same, but with join removed for performance reasons:
SELECT s.room_id, count(s.room_id) FROM state_groups_state s
GROUP BY s.room_id
ORDER BY count(s.room_id) DESC

## Show top 20 larger tables by row count
SELECT relname, n_live_tup as rows
FROM pg_stat_user_tables
ORDER BY n_live_tup DESC
This query is quick, but may be very approximate, for exact number of rows use `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <table_name>`.
### Result example:
state_groups_state - 161687170
event_auth - 8584785
event_edges - 6995633
event_json - 6585916
event_reference_hashes - 6580990
events - 6578879
received_transactions - 5713989
event_to_state_groups - 4873377
stream_ordering_to_exterm - 4136285
current_state_delta_stream - 3770972
event_search - 3670521
state_events - 2845082
room_memberships - 2785854
cache_invalidation_stream - 2448218
state_groups - 1255467
state_group_edges - 1229849
current_state_events - 1222905
users_in_public_rooms - 364059
device_lists_stream - 326903
user_directory_search - 316433

## Show top 20 rooms by new events count in last 1 day:
SELECT e.room_id,, COUNT(e.event_id) cnt FROM events e
LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
WHERE e.origin_server_ts >= DATE_PART('epoch', NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day') * 1000 GROUP BY e.room_id, ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 20;

## Show top 20 users on homeserver by sent events (messages) at last month:
SELECT user_id, SUM(total_events)
FROM user_stats_historical
WHERE TO_TIMESTAMP(end_ts/1000) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' > date_trunc('day', now() - interval '1 month')
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY SUM(total_events) DESC

## Show last 100 messages from needed user, with room names:
SELECT e.room_id,, e.event_id, e.type, e.content, j.json FROM events e
LEFT JOIN event_json j USING (room_id)
LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
WHERE sender = ''
AND e.type = ''
ORDER BY stream_ordering DESC
LIMIT 100;

## Show top 20 larger tables by storage size
SELECT nspname || '.' || relname AS "relation",
pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "total_size"
FROM pg_class C
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)
WHERE nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
AND C.relkind <> 'i'
AND nspname !~ '^pg_toast'
ORDER BY pg_total_relation_size(C.oid) DESC
### Result example:
public.state_groups_state - 27 GB
public.event_json - 9855 MB - 3675 MB
public.event_edges - 3404 MB
public.received_transactions - 2745 MB
public.event_reference_hashes - 1864 MB
public.event_auth - 1775 MB
public.stream_ordering_to_exterm - 1663 MB
public.event_search - 1370 MB
public.room_memberships - 1050 MB
public.event_to_state_groups - 948 MB
public.current_state_delta_stream - 711 MB
public.state_events - 611 MB
public.presence_stream - 530 MB
public.current_state_events - 525 MB
public.cache_invalidation_stream - 466 MB
public.receipts_linearized - 279 MB
public.state_groups - 160 MB
public.device_lists_remote_cache - 124 MB
public.state_group_edges - 122 MB

## Show rooms with names, sorted by events in this rooms
`echo "select event_json.room_id, from event_json,room_stats_state where room_stats_state.room_id=event_json.room_id" | psql synapse | sort | uniq -c | sort -n`
### Result example:
9459 ! | This Week in Matrix
9459 ! | This Week in Matrix (TWIM)
17799 ! | Linux in Russian
18739 ! | Riot Android
23373 ! | Matrix HQ
39504 ! | ru.[matrix]
43601 ! | Riot
43601 ! | Riot Web/Desktop

## Lookup room state info by list of room_id
SELECT rss.room_id,, rss.canonical_alias, rss.topic, rss.encryption, rsc.joined_members, rsc.local_users_in_room, rss.join_rules
FROM room_stats_state rss
LEFT JOIN room_stats_current rsc USING (room_id)
WHERE room_id IN (WHERE room_id IN (
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# How do State Groups work?

As a general rule, I encourage people who want to understand the deepest darkest secrets of the database schema to drop by and ask questions.

However, one question that comes up frequently is that of how "state groups" work, and why the `state_groups_state` table gets so big, so here's an attempt to answer that question.

We need to be able to relatively quickly calculate the state of a room at any point in that room's history. In other words, we need to know the state of the room at each event in that room. This is done as follows:

A sequence of events where the state is the same are grouped together into a `state_group`; the mapping is recorded in `event_to_state_groups`. (Technically speaking, since a state event usually changes the state in the room, we are recording the state of the room *after* the given event id: which is to say, to a handwavey simplification, the first event in a state group is normally a state event, and others in the same state group are normally non-state-events.)

`state_groups` records, for each state group, the id of the room that we're looking at, and also the id of the first event in that group. (I'm not sure if that event id is used much in practice.)

Now, if we stored all the room state for each `state_group`, that would be a huge amount of data. Instead, for each state group, we normally store the difference between the state in that group and some other state group, and only occasionally (every 100 state changes or so) record the full state.

So, most state groups have an entry in `state_group_edges` (don't ask me why it's not a column in `state_groups`) which records the previous state group in the room, and `state_groups_state` records the differences in state since that previous state group.

A full state group just records the event id for each piece of state in the room at that point.

## Known bugs with state groups

There are various reasons that we can end up creating many more state groups than we need: see for more details.

## Compression tool

There is a tool at which can compress the `state_groups_state` on a room by-room basis (essentially, it reduces the number of "full" state groups). This can result in dramatic reductions of the storage used.