gopro-stream provides a library to capture and convert a media stream from GoPro Hero's camera preview
Check ./examples/gopro2file.js
. The program simply use goprostream to retrieve fMP4 segments and dump them in a .mp4
gopro-stream allows you to live stream your GoPro Hero.
GoPro Hero4 Silver introduced the possibility to preview the camera's stream over wifi, even while capturing. Preview is a mpegts format stream containing 2 tracks (+1 unknown) for audio and video. Video stream is encoded with h264 (Main), has a resolution of 432x240 and a framerate of 30 i/s. Audio stream is encoded using aac at 127 kb/s.
Our solution as shown above consists of three distinct components :
- gateway is responsible for retrieving GoPro's camera preview, transmuxing it from mpegts to fragmented MP4, and pass it on the server.
- server is used as a broadcaster, it receives stream from the gateway and transmit it to all connected clients via websockets.
- clients are endpoints connected to the server via http requests. As such, received fragmented MP4 segments are rendered in a web browser using MSE (no plugin required).
To run the app in a local environment, use :
npm start
It runs both server and gateway from the same machine (which must be connected to the GoPro beforehand). Then, open a web browser at the addess Ideally, gateway and server would run on distinct machines as shown in the diagram.
gateway must have two connection interfaces. One is required to connect to GoPro camera through wifi, the other is needed to forward stream to the server. It could be a cellular connection for mobile phones for instance, or a wired connection for computers.
- connected to GoPro via wifi
- rely on goproh4 npm package to control camera (notably start preview command)
- receive stream from GoPro on an incoming udp link using dgram
- transmux stream using mux.js npm package
Simply an express http server delivering a simple http web page to display the fragmented MP4 packets as they arrive. Also a websocket server broadcasting incoming packets from the gatewy towards clients.
Initiate a connection to the websocket server, get fMP4 chunks and append them to MediaSource buffer.