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PHP Design Patterns - Basato sul libro Head First Design Patterns Book - Based on Head First Design Patterns Book

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PHP Design Patterns

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PHP design patterns based on the book "Head First Design Patterns" and more

Getting Started

Run Docker container

git clone && cd php-design-patterns
./dc up -d
./dc enter # To enter in PHP container and execute examples
composer install

Pattern list

Strategy pattern

Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each and makes them interchangeable. The strategy allows the algorithm to vary independently of the clients that use it.

php src/Strategy/mini-duck-simulator.php

Observer pattern

Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when an object changes state, all its employees are notified and updated automatically.

php src/Observer/weather-station.php

Decorator pattern

Decorator pattern associates additional responsibilities with an object in a dynamic way. Decorators offer an alternative flexible to the subclass to extend the functionality of an object.

php src/Decorator/starbuzz-coffee.php

Simple Factory pattern

It's not a proper design pattern, but it's an easy way to decouple the client from concrete classes.

Read only:

cat src/Factory/SimpleFactory/SimplePizzaFactory.php
cat src/Factory/SimpleFactory/PizzaStore.php

Factory Method pattern

The Factory Method is based on inheritance: the creation of the object is delegated to subclasses, which implement the "factory" method to create objects.

php src/Factory/FactoryMethod/client.php

Abstract Factory pattern

Abstract Factory is based on the composition of the objects: the creation of the object is implemented in exposed methods in the factory interface.

php src/Factory/AbstractFactory/client.php

Singleton pattern

Singleton Pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global access point to it.

php src/Singleton/client.php

Command pattern

Command pattern encapsulates a request (a command) by binding together a set of actions to be performed on a recipient (a receiver).

php src/Command/Simple/client.php
php src/Command/Advance/client.php
php src/Command/Undo/client.php
php src/Command/Macro/client.php

Adapter pattern

Adapter pattern converts the interface of one class into another that the client expects. The Adapter allows the classes to work together when they could not due to incompatible interfaces.

php src/Adapter/Anatre/client-duck.php
php src/Adapter/Anatre/client-turkey.php 

Facade pattern

Facade pattern provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Defines a higher level interface which simplifies the use of the subsystem. The difference between Facade and Adapter is in their intent. The intent of the Adapter pattern is to modify an interface to match what a client expects. The intent of the Facade pattern is to provide a simplified interface to a subsystem.

php src/Facade/client.php

Template method pattern

Template Method pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a method, delegating some steps to the subclasses. Template Method pattern allows subclasses to redefine certain steps of an algorithm without modifying any structure.

php src/TemplateMethod/NoHook/client.php
php src/TemplateMethod/Hook/client.php

Iterator pattern

Il pattern Iterator fornisce un modo per accedere sequenzialmente agli elementi di un oggetto aggregato senza esporre la sua rappresentazione sottostante. Ma l'effetto dell'utilizzo degli iteratori nel tuo progetto è altrettanto importante: una volta che hai un modo uniforme di accedere agli elementi di tutti i tuoi oggetti aggregati, puoi scrivere codice polimorfico che funzioni con uno qualsiasi di questi aggregati, potendo usare indiscriminatamente array, ArrayObject, collezioni di dominio ecc, a condizione che riesca a impossessarsi di un Iterator. Un altra cosa importante è che il pattern Iterator assume la responsabilità di attraversare gli elementi e attribuisce tale responsabilità all'oggetto iteratore, non all'oggetto aggregato. Ciò non solo mantiene più semplice l'interfaccia aggregata e l'implementazione, ma rimuove la responsabilità dell'iterazione dall'aggregazione e mantiene l'aggregato focalizzato sulle cose su cui dovrebbe essere focalizzato (gestendo una collezione di oggetti), non sull'iterazione.

php src/Iterator/DinerMerger/client.php

#Con interfaccia Iterator di PHP
php src/Iterator/DinerMergerI/client.php

Composite pattern

Composite pattern allows you to compose objects in tree structures to represent entire hierarchies. Composite pattern allows clients to treat single objects and object compositions uniformly. Using a structure composite, we can apply the same operations to both composite data and individual objects. In other words, in the most of the cases we can ignore the differences between the compositions of objects and individual objects. With this pattern it seems that the principle of single responsibility is violated as a class that implements it is found to do two things, manage a hierarchy and manage operations on the end nodes (the leaves of the tree). We can however to say that the Composite pattern takes the design of the SRP and mistakes it for transparency; allowing the interface Component to contain child management operations and leaf operations, a client can treat both uniformly the composite data that the leaf nodes; therefore, if an element is a composite or leaf node it becomes transparent to the client. By allowing the Component interface to contain child management operations and leaf operations, a client can treat both composites and leaf nodes uniformly; so if an element is a composite or leaf node it becomes transparent to the client. This is a classic case of compromise. Sometimes we intentionally do things one way which seems to violate the principle. In some cases, however, this is a matter of perspective; for example, it might seem wrong to have child management operations in leaf nodes (like add(), remove() and getChild()), but then you can always change perspective and see a leaf as a node with zero children.

php src/Composite/Menu/client.php

State pattern

State pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class. Since the pattern encapsulates the state in separate classes and delegates to the object representing the current state, we know that behavior changes along with the internal state. With the State pattern, we have a set of behaviors encapsulated in state objects; at any time the context is delegating to one of these states. Over time, the current state changes across the set of state objects to reflect it internal state of the context, so the behavior of the context also changes over time. At the level of the diagram this pattern is identical to the Pattern Strategy. In general, think of the Strategy as a flexible alternative to the subclass; if you use inheritance to define behavior of a class, then you are stuck with that behavior even if you need to change it. With the Strategy you can change the behavior by composing with a different object. The State pattern, on the other hand, should be thought of as an alternative to putting many conditionals in your context; encapsulating behaviors within state objects, you can simply change the state object in context to change its behavior.

php src/State/GumballState/client.php
php src/State/GumballStateWinner/client.php

Visitor pattern

The visitor is a behavioral pattern that allows you to separate algorithms from the objects on which they operate. This pattern represents an operation that you want to perform on a collection of elements of a structure. The operation can be modified without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates. Think of a structure that contains a heterogeneous set of objects, on which the same operation must be applied, which however is implemented in a different way for each class of object.

php src/Visitor/client.php


Builds a clear specification of business rules, where objects can be checked against. The composite specification class has one method called isSatisfiedBy that returns either true or false depending on whether the given object satisfies the specification. reference

php src/Specification/client.php


Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters)

In this section, based on the book Domain-Driven Design in PHP - Carlos Buenosvinos, Christian Soronellas and Keyvan Akbary, I show a refactoring process from spaghetti code to code reorganization through the hexagonal architecture

The hexagonal architecture allows an application to be equally driven by users, programs, automated tests or batch scripts and to be developed and tested separately from its own devices and databases, if any.

Prepare the database for running the examples:

php src/HexagonalArchitecture/build.php

The first 3 steps of refactoring:

php src/HexagonalArchitecture/Step01/client.php
php src/HexagonalArchitecture/Step02/client.php
php src/HexagonalArchitecture/Step03/client.php

Final step with implementation with various deliveries and tests:

php src/HexagonalArchitecture/Step04/client.php
php src/HexagonalArchitecture/Step04/console app:create-idea 'Flying pig' Matiux
project phpunit # To execute tests