This sbt library enables you to run your tests written for Frege's
QuickCheck with sbt test
sbt-frege-quickcheck is known to work with:
- sbt-1.1.2
- frege-
- sbt-frege-3.0.0
Great thanks to sbt, Frege and sbt-frege:
- sbt:
- Frege:
- sbt-frege:
This library is published to the author's self-hosted repository.
Please put the following into your build.sbt
resolvers += "" at ""
libraryDependencies += "xyz.denshi_no_yamaoku" % "sbt-frege-quickcheck" % "0.2" % Test
testFrameworks += new TestFramework("xyz.denshi_no_yamaoku.quickcheck.QuickCheckFramework")
You need to give sbt the capability to compile Frege. If not done yet,
please put the following into your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.earldouglas" % "sbt-frege" % "3.0.0")
See sbt-frege for details.
Put your tests into src/test/frege
. Test modules should look like:
-- src/test/frege/example/
module example.FooTest where
import frege.test.QuickCheck
import example.Foo (succs)
data Properties = pure native xyz.denshi_no_yamaoku.quickcheck.Properties
native module interface Properties where {}
intSuccs = property (\(xs::[Int]) -> succs xs == map succ xs)
knownToFail = expectFailure $ property (\(xs::[Int]) -> succs xs /= map succ xs)
unexpectedFail = property (\(xs::[Int]) -> succs xs == map pred xs)
unexpectedThrow = property (\(xs::[Int]) -> error "sorry!" :: Bool)
In this example the tested module is:
-- src/main/frege/example/
module example.Foo where
succs :: (Enum a) => [a] -> [a]
succs = map succ
The important part is native module interface Properties where {}
This declares that the module example.FooTest
implements the marker
interface xyz.denshi_no_yamaoku.quickcheck.Properties
. The sbt test
framework picks up the modules (classes, if seen from Java) that
implements the interface as test suites.
See Frege #20 for the details of this syntax.
See Frege's own QuickCheck tests for example uses of QuickCheck.
If your tests are run in parallel (the default), the output of
QuickCheck may get intermixed.
If you wish to disable parallelism for tests, put the following into
your build.sbt
Global / concurrentRestrictions += Tags.limit(Tags.Test, 1)
See the official documentation for the details of parallelism in sbt: