This project implements a Medical Appointment Management System using three types of NoSQL databases:
MongoDB (Document Database):
- Stores patient and appointment information as documents.
Neo4j (Graph Database):
- Models the relationships between patients and their appointments as a graph.
Redis (Key-Value Store):
- Caches real-time data such as appointment statuses for fast retrieval.
The dataset used is the "KaggleV2-May-2016" dataset, which includes the following fields:
- PatientId: Unique identifier for each patient.
- AppointmentID: Unique identifier for each appointment.
- Gender: Gender of the patient.
- ScheduledDay: The date and time the appointment was scheduled.
- AppointmentDay: The date of the actual appointment.
- Age: Age of the patient.
- Neighbourhood: Location of the clinic.
- Scholarship: Indicates if the patient is enrolled in welfare programs.
- Hipertension, Diabetes, Alcoholism, Handcap: Health conditions of the patient.
- SMS_received: Whether the patient received a reminder.
- No-show: Indicates whether the patient showed up for the appointment.
pip install streamlit pymongo neo4j redis pandas
- Connect to MongoDB using the connection string.
- Insert the dataset into the
database andAppointments
Code Snippet:
from pymongo import MongoClient
import pandas as pd
# MongoDB Connection
mongo_uri = "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>"
client = MongoClient(mongo_uri)
# Load Dataset
file_path = "dataset/KaggleV2-May-2016.csv"
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
# Insert Data into MongoDB
db = client["HealthcareDB"]
collection = db["Appointments"]
data_dict = data.to_dict("records")
print("Data inserted into MongoDB successfully!")
- Query MongoDB to verify data:
print("Sample records from MongoDB:")
for record in collection.find().limit(5):
- Use Neo4j to create a graph model for the data.
- Nodes represent
, and the relationshipHAS_APPOINTMENT
links them.
Code Snippet:
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
# Neo4j Connection
uri = "bolt://localhost:7687"
username = "neo4j"
password = "password"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(username, password))
# Insert Data into Neo4j
def load_data_to_neo4j():
with driver.session() as session:
for record in collection.find().limit(1000):"""
MERGE (p:Patient {id: $PatientId, gender: $Gender, age: $Age})
MERGE (a:Appointment {id: $AppointmentID, scheduled_day: $ScheduledDay, appointment_day: $AppointmentDay, no_show: $NoShow})
""", {
"PatientId": record["PatientId"],
"Gender": record["Gender"],
"Age": record["Age"],
"AppointmentID": record["AppointmentID"],
"ScheduledDay": record["ScheduledDay"],
"AppointmentDay": record["AppointmentDay"],
"NoShow": record["No-show"]
- Query Neo4j to validate:
MATCH (p:Patient)-[:HAS_APPOINTMENT]->(a:Appointment)
- Cache frequently accessed appointment statuses for fast retrieval.
Code Snippet:
import redis
# Redis Connection
redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(
# Cache Appointment Statuses
for record in collection.find().limit(1000):
key = f"appointment:{record['AppointmentID']}:status"
value = "no-show" if record["No-show"] == "Yes" else "confirmed"
redis_client.set(key, value)
print("Appointment statuses loaded into Redis successfully!")
- Verify data in Redis:
key = "appointment:5572635:status"
status = redis_client.get(key)
print(f"Status of {key}: {status}")
- Home Page: Overview of the system.
- Patient Lookup: Search for a patient using their
. - Appointment Status: Display real-time status of appointments.
- Data Analysis: Visualize no-show rates, appointments by day, etc.
Code Snippet:
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from pymongo import MongoClient
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
import redis
# MongoDB Connection
mongo_uri = "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>"
client = MongoClient(mongo_uri)
db = client["HealthcareDB"]
collection = db["Appointments"]
# Redis Connection
redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(
# Neo4j Connection
neo4j_uri = "bolt://localhost:7687"
neo4j_username = "neo4j"
neo4j_password = "password"
neo4j_driver = GraphDatabase.driver(neo4j_uri, auth=(neo4j_username, neo4j_password))
# Streamlit App
st.title("Medical Appointment Management System")
# Sidebar Navigation
page = st.sidebar.selectbox("Navigate", ["Home", "Patient Lookup", "Appointment Status", "Data Analysis"])
# Home Page
if page == "Home":
st.header("Welcome to the Medical Appointment Management System")
total_records = collection.count_documents({})
no_show_count = collection.count_documents({"No-show": "Yes"})
st.write(f"Total Appointments: {total_records}")
st.write(f"No-Show Count: {no_show_count}")
# Patient Lookup
elif page == "Patient Lookup":
st.header("Patient Lookup")
patient_id = st.text_input("Enter Patient ID:")
if st.button("Search"):
patient_data = collection.find_one({"PatientId": patient_id})
if patient_data:
st.write("Patient Details:")
st.write("Patient not found!")
# Appointment Status
elif page == "Appointment Status":
st.header("Appointment Status")
appointment_id = st.text_input("Enter Appointment ID:")
if st.button("Check Status"):
status = redis_client.get(f"appointment:{appointment_id}:status")
if status:
st.write(f"Status of Appointment {appointment_id}: {status}")
st.write("Appointment not found!")
# Data Analysis
elif page == "Data Analysis":
st.header("Data Analysis and Visualization")
no_show_count = collection.count_documents({"No-show": "Yes"})
show_count = collection.count_documents({"No-show": "No"})
data = pd.DataFrame({
"Category": ["No-show", "Show"],
"Count": [no_show_count, show_count]
This project demonstrates the power of combining NoSQL databases:
- MongoDB for storing structured appointment data.
- Neo4j for analyzing relationships.
- Redis for caching and real-time data access.
- Streamlit for building an interactive web application.
With these integrations, the system achieves both scalability and performance, making it a robust solution for managing medical appointments.